Meeting#04: 30 September 2019

Meeting#04: 30 September 2019

Priority: No
School or Program: Chemical Engineering
College Calendar: Show

S No Time Person Discussion Outcomes Future Agenda Remarks
1 1430   Meeting Convened: Arnold, Apoorva, Arundhati, Bhishm, Darsh, Mounika, Shrikanth, Suddhadeep
2 1435 Arnold Thanks for the Townhall event      
3 1436 Arnold Aqua - E : EEE event - Industrial, Environmental event, Arnold's communication with OPP      
4 1439 Mounika Talk with Bev and Ray Mentzer about 'Transition from Academia to Industry on Nov 1st. Discussion of event, time available to be given to CCO      
5 1443 Arundhati Discussion about upcoming Ice Cream Social event      
6 1444 Apoorva, Arnold Possibility about Metal tags.   Discuss with Corwin. Find the right person about metal nametags  
7 1447 Apoorva, Arnold PGSO Polos/T-Shirts. ChemE T-Shirts.   Sizes to be selected. Design to be brought. Apoorva to find about the costs.  
8 1448 Shreya, Shrikanth Discussion about Website. Use of previously made PowerPoint Presentation to add to the website. Professional headshot will be needed.   Shreya to talk with Corwin. Every member to send a blurb and any photos to Shreya.  
9 1451 Shrikanth AIChE is not responding. Shrikanth conversation with John Turnley, no contact so far.   Arnold will talk to heads.  
10 1455 Darsh Volunteer committees, volunteering will be event based.      
11 1456 Darsh, Arundhati Social Event: Bowling. It might be really cheap on Tuesday or Thursdays. Teambuilding event on oct 2nd week.      
12 1457 Arundhati, Arnold Ice cream event discussion for Oct 12   Ice Cream event form to be filled soon. Discussion for the invitation email to be held.  
13 1505 Arnold, Darsh Discussion about Teambuilding activity about Shooting range and Ice Skating      
14 1507 Arnold Packup, Discussion about Next Meeting.   Meeting on Wed 1430