Meeting#11: 19 November 2019

Meeting#11: 19 November 2019

S No Time Person Discussion Outcomes  Future Agenda Remarks
1     Meeting  Convened: Arnold T,  Darsh, Apoorva, Arundhati, Mounika, Suddhadeep, Shreya, Shrikanth, Prof. Letian Dou, Corwin Green  
2 1520 Arnold T Meeting Open, General Plan for Spring to be done, Bagels to be planned for next Monday      
3 1520 Arundhati Departing Cohort survey u/p. (Nine Irish Brothers, Stacks & Pickle and Town & Gem considered) E-mail will be drafted and sent by Arundhati to Corwin, who will pass it on    
4 1525 Darsh Survey - only 9 responses Resume to be separated and asked for separately    
5 1527 Apoorva Polos - expected by 2nd week of December. Budgets to be held  -       
6 1530 Arnold T, Mounika Spring: Ice Skating - March, Barbeque - May, Industrial, Professional Dev to be planned CCO events list and Ray Mentzer's recommendations provide some good options for ProfDev events in the next semester.    
7 1535 Arnold T, Dou Lab Tour, Presentation by the Professors about their resource     There might be issues with the size of the group 
8 1543   Grad Lounge Upgrade List to be compiled and sent to Corwin    
9 1551 Darsh Clark, Michelle Chutka: Tour of Cook Biotech Corwin will follow up    
10 1553 Darsh, Dou Seminar Dou will talk to the Professors after Arnold sends the list of the Professors