Performance-Based Design and Real-time, Large-scale Testing to Enable Implementation of Advanced Damping Systems

Advanced structural damping systems such as magnetorheological dampers have great potential to play a large role in our ability to achieve performance-based structural design (PBD) directed towards seismic resilience. This research project focuses on the development of appropriate performance-based design procedures and model-based simulation techniques for advanced damping systems in civil engineering applications.
Event Date: March 05, 2018
Time: 3:45-3:45pm
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What: Bowen - Buildings Bowen - Earthquake Engineering
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Advanced structural damping systems such as magnetorheological dampers have great potential to play a large role in our ability to achieve performance-based structural design (PBD) directed towards seismic resilience. This research project focuses on the development of appropriate performance-based design procedures and model-based simulation techniques for advanced damping systems in civil engineering applications.
Real-time hybrid (RTH) testing techniques are utilized to validate and evaluate the performance of such damping technologies. Completion of this project will result in the availability of design procedures and new testing methods for advanced damping system implementation in buildings.
Grant: NSF-CMMI-1011534
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
Faculty Investigator: Dr. Shirley Dyke
Graduate Students: Anthony Friedman, Ali Irmak Ozdagli, Nestor Castaneda, Hu Huan