Efficient Load Rating and Quantification of Life-Cycle Damage of Indiana Bridges Due to Overweight Loads

The project aims at studying the relationships between, (i) overweight trucks, (ii) load rating and damage of bridges due to the overweight trucks, (iii) associated maintenance costs, and, (iv) the reduction is service-life due to damage.
Event Date: March 05, 2018
Time: 3:41-3:41pm
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What: Bowen - Bridges
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The project aims at studying the relationships between, (i) overweight trucks, (ii) load rating and damage of bridges due to the overweight trucks, (iii) associated maintenance costs, and, (iv) the reduction is service-life due to damage.
Sponsors: Joint Transportation Research Program - Indiana Department of Transportation
Faculty Investigators: Amit Varma, Arun Prakash
Graduate Students: Hun Cha, Gnana Teja Pudipeddi, Boyuan Liu