Our Mission

Mission Statement

From our constitution, "The Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Student Advisory Council (AAESAC) is comprised of students within the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. AAESAC meets regularly as an organization and with the administration. The group serves to facilitate interactions and the relationship between faculty and the student body, to advise the administration on issues and concerns of students pertaining to the department, and generally strives to improve the school in hopes of enhancing the educational experience."

About Us

AAESAC was initially created to bridge the gap between the faculty and students for a more cohesive education at Purdue University within the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 

With our advisor, Lisa Crain, and additional assistance from other faulty and staff, we strive to create an open atmosphere for our current students, and shape the education of those that come after us. We welcome the coming challenges of the economy and academia with an open mind and enthusiasm.

As students we came for an education, we will leave with not only a superior education, but as the next generation of executives, inventors, theorists, and educators; all because of the strength of the commitment of the school. As the days pass, AAESAC strives to improve the cohesive and genuine connection between the professors, graduate and undergraduate students.