Published on: March 21, 2023

Student Analog-Astronaut Training Program (SA²TP) – Apply by 4/15

Student Analog-Astronaut Training Program (SA²TP) – Apply by 4/15

This Summer, SEARCH (Space & Earth Analogs Research Chapter of Purdue) will select six students (both graduate and undergraduate) to experience this first-ever Student Analog-Astronaut Training Program (SA²TP) from July 24th to August 13th, which will cover the themes of Astronautics & Spaceflight, Health & Fitness, and Science & Technology.

We are inviting incredible speakers and organizing a number of skill-building activities, including 3D printing challenges, hackathons, flight tests, and more, in a partnership with PSP as well as other organizations. The SA²TP will culminate in the experience of attending NASA's Adult Space Academy, where trainees will put their new skills to use and experience a simulation of life as an astronaut candidate.

We are excited to review all applications until April 15th, so get them in before it's too late! Remember: you don't need previous experience - we're looking for commitment, interest, and evidence of growth. 

Click here to start the application process.

It all starts with one small step!