Dong Xie

Dong Xie

Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, West Lafayette (Courtesy)


Phone: 317-274-9748
Location: Indianapolis

Purdue University
Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering
SL 220E
723 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Research web site:

Personal web site:


  • MA/MS, Dental Materials, The Ohio State University, 1993
  • PhD, Dental Biomaterials/Oral Biology, The Ohio State University, 1998


Selected Publications

  • Chen Y, Caneli G, Almousa R, Hill K, Na S, Anderson, GG, Xie D. A self-cured glass-ionomer cement with improved antibacterial function and hardness, Polym Adv Technol, 31: 3048-3058, 2020.
  • Caneli G, Chen Y, Na S, Anderson, GG, Xie D. A dental filling composite resin restorative with improved antibacterial function and hardness, J Comp Mater, 55 (2): 159-168, 2020.
  • Almousa R, Wen X, Na S, Anderson G, Xie, D. A modified polyvinylchloride surface with antibacterial and antifouling functions, Polym Adv Technol, 30: 1216-1225, 2019.
  • Almousa R, Wen X, Na S, Anderson, G, Xie, D. Polyvinylchloride surface with enhanced cell/bacterial adhesion resistant and antibacterial functions,J Biomater Appl, 33: 1415-1426, 2019.
  • Wen X, Almousa R, Anderson G, Na S, Xie. D. Coating polyvinylchloride surface for improved antifouling property. J Biomater Sci Polym Ed., 30(4): 322-336, 2019.
  • Wen X, Almousa R, Anderson G, Xie, D. Developing a novel antibacterial dental resin composite with improved properties. J Comp Mater, 53 (22): 3085-3092, 2019.
  • Xie, D., Howard, L., Almousa, R. Surface modification of polyurethane with a hydrophilic, antibacterial polymer for improved antifouling and antibacterial function, J. Biomater Appl. 33(3):340-351, 2018.
  • Xu, Y., Wang, H., Xie, D. Preparation of new low viscosity urethane dimethacrylates for dental composites, J. Biomater. Sci., Polym Ed., 29(7-9):1011-1025, 2018.


Biomaterials, Dental Materials, Polymers for Biomedical Applications


Advanced polymeric biomaterials for dental, orthopedic, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; Functional polymers for surface modification

Research Interests

  • Biomaterials
  • Dental Materials
  • Advanced polymeric biomaterials for dental, orthopedic, tissue engineering and regenerative medicine
  • Functional polymers for surface modification