SPARC Lab News
- (Oct 21) Paper on Adiabatic HBC is accepted for presentation in ISSCC 2022 and selected for live demonstartion.
Congratulations to Baibhab and co-authors.
- (Sep 21)Purdue Teams up on $15M IARPA grant to advance frontiers of Radio-Frequency Machine Learning Security Purdue News Release , IARPA Press Release , Shreyas Linkedin , Purdue Linkedin , Twitter , FB , Expedition Technology Press Release .
- (Aug 21) 8 New graduate Students join Sparclab in Fall 2021. Welcome Abdur, Gourab, Marzeih, Meghna, Samyadip, Sukriti, John and Frank.
- (May 21) Prof. Shreyas Sen is recognized with a Rising Star Professorship as the Elmore Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Link to Bio read during Purdue Recognition.
- (May 21) SparcLab's paper on the first Bi-Phasic EQS Brain Communication is presented in VLSI 2021 [Paper Link] , [Video Link] and selected for live demonstartion.
Congratulations to Baibhab and co-authors.
- (April 21) Congratulations to Baibhab for Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship
- (April 21) Congratulations to Prof. Sen for Purdue College of Engineering (CoE) Faculty Excellence Awardfor Early Career Research. Purdue University News.
- (April 21) Congratulations to Prof. Sen for Intel's 2020 Outstanding researcher Award. Intel News, Purdue University News.
- (April 21) SparcLab's paper wins Outstanding Student paper award in CICC 2021
Congratulations to Nirmoy and co-authors.
- (Feb 21) Congratulations to Debayan for SSCS pre-doctoral fellowship.
- (Feb 21) SparcLab's ISSCC selected for live demonstration in ISSCC 2021
Congratulations to Archisman , and co-authors. Demonestration video can be found here. Full presentation can be found here.
- (Feb 21) 2 papers accepted in Scientific Reports (Nature)
Congratulations to Shreeya , Mayukh and co-authors.
- (Jan 21) 4 papers accepted for oral presentation in IMS 2021.
Congratulations to Jie, Faizul , Arunashish , Mayukh and co-authors.
- (Jan 21) 2 papers accepted for oral presentation in CICC 2021
Congratulations to Gaurav , Nirmoy and co-authors.
- (Dec 20) SparcLab's demo received 2nd best demo award at HOST 2020.
Congratulations to Josef, Debayan .
- (Dec 20) SparcLab's work had been featured in IEEE spectrum Dec 2020 issue.
Congratulations to Shovan , Debayan and other SparcLab members.
- (Nov 20) SparcLab's paper had been selected as an Editor's choice article in MDPI sensor's journal.
Congratulations to Parikha , Baibhab and co-authors.
- (Nov 20) Digital Communication through Human Touch achieving ~mm scale fingertip signal confinement: ACM ToCHI paper/CHI 2021 presentation.
Congratulations to Shovan, David and co-authors. Demonestration video can be found here.
- (Oct 20) Prof. Shreyas Sen participated in Vaibhav (Vaishwik Bharatiya Vaigyanik summit) organized by Govt. of India.
- (Oct 20) Paper accepted in ISSCC 2021.
Congratulations to Archisman and co-authors.
- (Sep 20) Purdue ECE : Celebrating Our Associate Professors.
Congratulations to Prof. Shreyas Sen for starting new position as Associate Professor at Purdue University.
- (Aug 20) RFIC 2020 3MT Thesis Audience Choice awarded to Baibhab Chatterjee.
Congratulations to Baibhab . After CICC 2019 best paper, this is a nice continuation.
- (Jun 20) Prof. Sen talks about COVID-19 Disrupting Point of Care Diagnostics with BioCrossroads.
- (Apr 20) Paper accepted in VLSI 2020.
Congratulations to Baibhab and collaborators at Georgia Tech.
- (Apr 20) Paper on HBC safety analysis accepted in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering.
Congratulations to Shovan and co-authors.
- (Mar 20) Paper accepted in RFIC 2020.
Congratulations to Baibhab and co-authors.
- (Feb 20) Prof. Shreyas Sen receives NSF CAREER Award supporting his research on Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication.
- (Jan 20) 3 Papers accepted in CICC 2020.
Congratulations to Baibhab , Debayan , Shovan , and co-authors.
Secure EQS-HBC: paper , video slides .
Deep Learning SCA Resilient Hardware: paper , video slides .
Energy-efficient Transciever: paper , video slides .
- (Oct 19) Our paper on CMOS-based radiation to digital converter accepted in JSSC 2020.
Congratulations to Baibhab and co-authors.
- (Oct 19) Our paper on EM Side Channel countermeasure titled "EM and Power SCA-resilient AES-256 in 65nm CMOS through >350x Current Domain Signature Attenuation" accepted in ISSCC 2020.
Congratulations to Debayan and co-authors.
ISSCC 2020 Demo Video can be found here .
- (Oct 19) Prof. Sen speaks about Security of Internet of Body at TEDx Indianapolis.
Full talk can be found here.
- (Oct 19) Prof. Sen spoke on Radio layer vulnerabilities and Spectrum Policy at Silicon Flatirons.
The conference featured keynotes by Julius Knapp, Chief of the Federal Communications Commission's Office of Engineering and Technology, and Dr. Lisa Porter, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, who oversees the U.S. Department of Defense's work on 5G security. There were panel discussions on the health care industry , cellular communications, along with next steps and solutions in this area.
- (Aug 19) Collaborative work on Wearable EMG Sensor accepted in Science Advances.
- (Aug 19) Prof. Sen presents a tutorial on Hardware Security (EM Side-Channel) at the CHES conference.
- (Jul 19) Prof. Sen spoke about Edge-Intelligence at DARPA ERI 2019.
- (Jul 19) Purdue announces record year for invention. Prof. Sen's research is featured.
- (Jun 19) JSSC paper on lowest-energy Broadband HBC accepted. Congratulations to Shovan and co-authors.
- (Mar-May 19) Solutions to Cyber Attacks reported by The U.S. Department of Homeland Security
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security recently
warned that numerous medical devices made by Medtronic are vulnerable to cyber attacks.
A solution to which is the EQS-HBC recently published by our group. IEEE Spectrum covered our work saying "Medtronic discloses medical device vulnerabilities,
while Purdue University scientists propose countermeasure to block attacks". Details: In this IEEE Spectrum Article.
- (May 19) Best Student Paper Award at HOST 2019
Congratulations Debayan and co-authors. Details: In this Purdue News Release.
This work presents a white-box model for electromagnetic signal leakage and low-overhead countermeasure for EM Side-Channel Attack.
(Paper Link)
This is also the third succesive year that SparcLab has received Best paper/poster Award at HOST (2017, 2018 and 2019). Congratulations to all the co-authors for this
series of fantastic work on IoT Security over past 3 years. Also, a big Thank You to our collaborators from Intel, especially Santosh Ghosh, the whole
Intel Labs team, Arijit Raychowdhury
and National Science Foundation (NSF)
for the constant support, funding, and encouragement.
(Apr 19) Best Paper Award (Overall) in CICC 2019
Congratulations Baibhab and co-authors, Prof. Dimitrios Peroulis' team, and our LANDAUER collaborators Daniel J. Valentino and Sean M. Scott on this award. Details: In this Purdue News Release.
The paper presented the first monolithic CMOS radiation to digital converter, which consists of a floating-gate radiation sensor and a time-based resistance-to-digital-converter (RDC). Great industry-academia collaboration. Thank you all! Details: In this
CICC Award Announcement
(Mar 19) Security of Internet of Body
Our work on EQS-HBC is covered by 50+ news sites. More details here. This paper in Scientific Reports (Nature) demonstrated Physical Security of HBC for the first time. Congratulations to Debayan and co-authors.
(Jan 19) Paper accepted in DAC 19 and CICC 19
Congratulations to Debayan and Baibhab and co-authors.
(Dec 19) HKN Beta Chapter's Outstanding Professor Award
Prof. Sen is recognized with the HKN Beta Chapter 'Outstanding Professor Award' and Purdue EVPRP Acorn Award
(Dec 18) Landauer supports SPARC Lab Research on Efficient BioSensing
(Nov 18) CTSI supports Sparc Lab researh on Biomedical Devices
(Oct 18) Intel Corporation supports SPARC Lab Research
(Aug 18) SPARC Lab is supported by SMART Films Consortium, Purdue University to develop ULP Sensor Nodes
(Jul 18) SPARC Lab is going to lead and perform on the DARPA MIDAS program to design mm-wave oscillators.
(Jun 18) SPARC Lab is part of a $52M grant from Eli Lilly and Company to explore Securely Connected BioMedical Devices.
USNews Report.
(May 18) AFRL 2030 Targets
Prof. Sen was invited to speak at IU-AFRL 2030, that aims to help define the Science and Technology vision for 2030. Discussions with Major General Bill Cooley, Commander of Air Force Research Laboratory, during this event was really inspiring.
(May 18) Best Poster Award in HOST 2018
Congratulations Baibhab and co-authors. Purdue News Release.
Baibhab Chatterjee and co-authors received 3rd Best Poster Award for paper titled "RF-PUF: IoT Security Enhancement through Authentication of Wireless Nodes using In-situ Machine Learning," at premier Hardware Security Conference
HOST 2018. This work shows how In-situ Machine Learning could Secure Radio Communication.
(May 18) MIT TR35 India Award
Prof. Sen has been named one of India’s top innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review and Mint.
Mint Newspaper ,
Purdue News Release
(Jan 18) Paper accepted in HOST 18
We are going to present a RF-PUF for IoT Security Enhancement using Machine Learning in Radio baseband.
Congratulations Baibhab and co-authors.
(Jan 18) Paper accepted in in Microwave and Wireless Component Letters (MWCL)
highlighting new insights into HBC Channel Models. Congratulations Shovan and co-authors.
Title: Characterization of Human Body Forward Path Loss and Variability Effects in Voltage-Mode HBC.
(Jan 18) Paper accepted in CICC 18
demonstrating World's Lowest Energy HBC Transceiver, improving the state-of-the-art by 18X. Congratulations Shovan and co-authors.
Title: A 6.3pJ/b 30Mbps -30dB SIR-tolerant Broadband Interference-Robust Human Body Communication Transceiver using Time Domain Signal-Interference Separation.
(Dec 17) Landauer supports SPARC Lab Research on Efficient BioSensing
(Nov 17) Paper published in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC 2017) on Switched-Mode Control Hybrid LDO (with ICSRL, Georgia Tech)
(Oct 17) Dr. Sen is now a Senior Member of IEEE.
(Oct 17) Intel Corporation supports SPARC Lab Research
(Sep 17) SPARC Lab is collaborating with and supported by SMART Films Consortium, Purdue University to develop ULP Sensor Nodes.
(Jul 17) We presented the world's first demonstration of Inter-Human Information exchange among Smartwatches during Handshaking using HBC:
(Jul 17) Our work on Staged Inference using Conditional Deep Learning enables Real-Time Health Diagnosis on a Wearable Hub:
EMBC 17 (with NRL, Purdue)
(Jul 17) Our work on Intelligent Context-Aware IoT Sensor Node is online: TCAS1 (with ICSRL, Georgia Tech)
(Mar 17) SparcLab research is supported by National Science Foundation SaTC program.
(May-Aug 17) Multiple research/invited presentations at DATE, EMBC, ISLPED, HOST, AFOSR, SRC, ETS, VTS.
(Apr 17) Two papers on Wearable Health Monitoring accepted in IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC). Congratulations to Shovan, Maryam (NRL) and co-authors.
(Mar 16) Prof. Sen proposes to develop a new Undergraduate course (ECE 395) on Design of Analog and Digital
Circuits to bridge a gap in the VLSI undergraduate curriculum. Approved by Undergraduate Committee.
(Feb 17) HOST paper accepted on Power Side-Channel Attack Immunity (Security). Congratulations to Debayan and co-authors.
(Jan 17) IMS paper accepted on Self-Optimizing IoT Sensor Node (with Georgia Tech ICSRL). Congratulations to Ningyuan and co-authors.
(Dec 16) Prof. Sen joins the Technical Program Committee of IEEE International Mixed-Signal Testing Workshop (IMSTW).
(Dec 16) Prof. Sen joins the Technical Program Committee of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD).
(Nav 16) DATE paper accepted on Interference-Robust Human Body Communication. Congratulations to Shovan and co-authors.
(Sep 16) Prof. Sen delivers Invited Talk in US-Korea Forum on NanoTechnology on Neuromorphic Computing in CMOS.
(Sep 16) Prof. Sen proposes to develop a new Graduate course (ECE 695) High-Speed Mixed-Signal IC to bridge a gap in the VLSI graduate curriculum. Approved by Graduate Committee.
(Aug 16) Paper published in IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits (JSSC 2016) on Proximity Communication demonstrating world's fastest and most energy-efficient board-to-board capacitive communication link.
(Aug 16) SparcLab welcomes 3 new Ph.D. students. Gregory Chang, Debayan Das, and S. Maity.
(Jul 16) Undergraduate student researcher Xinyi Jiang publishes first-authored research paper and attends NAECON.
(Jun 16) Prof. Sen is serving on IEEE Technical Committee on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS).
(Jun 16) Prof. Sen speaks at Invited Talk in DAC 2016 on Context-Aware Communication for IoT.
(Jun 16) ESSCIRC paper accepted on Hybrid Mixed-Signal Switched Mode LDO (with Georgia Tech ICSRL). Congratulations to Saad.
(May 16) Prof. Sen is serving on the Technical Program Committee of DATE 2017.
(Apr 16) SparcLab's first paper on Human Body Communication is accepted in ISLPED 2016.
(Apr 16) Prof. Sen is serving as Publicity Chair for IEEE ETS' 17.
(Feb 16) Paper presented in ISSCC 2016 on Proximity Comm.
(23.2) demonstrating world's fastest and most energy-efficient board-to-board capacitive communication link.
(Feb 16) Welcome to two ECE undergraduate Sophomore students to SparcLab. Xinyi Jiang and Kavian Mojabe.
(Jan 16) Prof. Sen is serving on Editorial board of
IEEE Design and Test.
(Jan 16) Prof. Sen is teaching a large undergraduate course (>250 students): ECE 270: Introduction to Digital Systems.
(Jan 16) SparcLab is founded by Prof. Shreyas Sen, who joins ECE, Purdue after 5+ years of industry experience at Circuit Research Lab (CRL) and Wireless Communication Research
(WCR), Intel Labs, Qualcomm and Rambus. Prof. Sen received his PhD. from ECE, Georgia Tech in 2011.