SPARC Lab in the Media

(Dec 20) IEEE Spectrum features SparcLab work on the human body as wire

Online articles: IEEE Spectrum Feature, Backstory, Magazine Article.

(Nov 20) Digital Communication through Human Touch achieving ~mm scale fingertip signal confinement: ACM ToCHI paper/CHI 2021 presentation.

Congratulations to Shovan, David and co-authors. Demonestration video can be found here.

(Apr 19) IEEE Spectrum suggests SparcLab work as a solution of US Department of Homeland Security advisory

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security last week warned that numerous medical devices made by Medtronic are vulnerable to cyber attack. A solution to which is the EQS-HBC recently published. IEEE Spectrum covered our work saying "Medtronic discloses medical device vulnerabilities, while Purdue University scientists propose countermeasure to block attacks". IEEE Spectrum Article.

(Mar 19) Secure Internet of Body using Electro-Quasistatic Human Body Communication (Scientific Reports (Nature))

Covered by 50+ news websites worldwide:

EurekAlert!, Science Daily, Popular Mechanics, VentureBeat, ECNmag, The Asian Age, Deccan Chronicle, Futurity, New Atlas, TechXplore, Wired.IT, The Engineer, MedGadget, Innovation Toronto, PurdueU, ScienceBlog, Purdue Exponent, Tdnews, I-Connect007, Global Health News Wire, Tech Explorist, Youth Health, Tasnim News Agency, Design Products and Application,Domain-b, Koddos, ECNmag, Engineering, RTL, Infosalus, Omicrono, PPLware, mdrWISSEN,Pieuvre, laRegione, cnBeta, uncached, eeDesignIt, xduster, IEEE GlobalSpec, microsiervos. ANSA, InvDes, Tendencias, eltelegrafo, Gamer4K, Security Boulevard, livemint, ZAP, The Teleraph, MAAKINDUSTRIE, Inovacao tecnologica, De-Thinkers, Wearable Technologies, ...

(Mar 18) Prof. Sen speaking at MIT TR35 India Award Speech

(Mar 18) Prof. Sen speaking on Indian National TV CNBC TV-18 Young Turks Program

(Mar 18) MIT TR 35 India Award

We sincerely thank our sponsors AFOSR YIP, NSF CRII Award and Google FRA for supporting this research spanning from basic research to applications.

(Dec 17) Human Body as a Wire

Smart wearable devices allow for the exchange of information using the human body as a robust communication medium for networking electronic devices. In this photo, a researcher wears devices that allow for the exchange of information using the body to communicate instead of sending a signal through the airwaves that could be hacked.

Sparc Lab Research Sponsors