Sustainability and Diversity

Sustainability and Diversity

"During my Ph.D., I was seeking an international laboratory that would align with my research and personal interests focused on building a world based on sustainability. When I first heard about LORRE, I was very impressed with their research as they find new ways and ideas for manufacturing low-carbon footprint bioproducts. I was a proud Ph.D. student from the University of Brasilia, located in Brasilia (Brazil), heading to LORRE to do part of my Ph.D. research as a visiting scholar from September 2021 to March 2022. I appreciate my time at Purdue University, as it was an incredible experience that brought me a lot of learning, good times, friends, and joy. The team led by Dr. Ladisch is enriched with people from all over the world. This diversity contributed to a great environment resulting in collaborative discussions and a dedicated team that worked together. I loved working in the lab, but I also loved the city, the Purdue activities (like sledding the Purdue hills in the winter), the weather, and especially the snow. I am grateful for all the great memories, it was rewarding personally and professionally. "

–Dr. Luana Serra