Renewable energy and Bioenergy research

Renewable energy and Bioenergy research

“I was looking forward to an opportunity in renewable energy and materials after I finished my master's degree in the Institute of Process Engineering at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing with the topic of gasification of coal. Dr. Bernard Tao, a professor in ABE Department at Purdue University, gave me the opportunity to work in the biodiesel field, and Dr. Ladisch was one of my committee members. I worked in the bioenergy industry for about 4 years after graduation from ABE. I was hired by ABE Department to teach two undergraduate courses in 2022: ABE 202 Thermodynamics in Biological System II and ABE 301 Modeling and Computational Tools in Biological Engineering. Then, I became a postdoc to work with Dr. Mosier on biofuel and biomaterials from oils. LORRE is a great place for people to do research in bioenergy and bioprocess and significantly influences the bioindustry since it was established.”

–Dr. Junli Liu