Anan Sheth


Anan ShethDepartment: Civil Engineering

Title: PhD Candidate

Research description:

Developing Pathways to Enterprise Resilience

Research highlights:

  • Work with industry partners on achieving upstream innovation
  • Work on innovation motifs and simple rules for strategy from patterns in successful innovations
  • Developing a toolkit for Systematic Innovation and Innovation Science
  • Developing CSFA toolkit for application in grand challenges
  • Work with INDOT on culvert technologies
  • Simulating evolutionary psychology perspective on emergent leadership
  • Use of nature-inspired agent-based simulation towards corporate self-organization


Enterprise resilience, Innovation Science, Purpose-Contexts, Enabling Innovation application, Innovation motifs


  • Peer-reviewed publications in print or in review
    • Simple rules for innovation strategy – Technovation - (in review)
    • Framing the intractable- Comprehensive Success Factor Analysis – Sustainable Futures –
    • Systematic problem-specification in innovation science using language – Intl. J of Innovation Science
    • A simple framework to organize enterprise risks - Journal of Risk Research -- (In review)
    • Pathways to organizational resilience – Sloan Management Review – (in review)
    • A study of collective leadership in top management teams – The Leadership Quarterly (in review)
    • Simulating Self-Organization during Strategic Change: Implications for Organizational Design – ACM SIGCHI Collective Intelligence 2019
    • Synthesis Study: Overview of Readily Available Culvert Inspection Technologies – Joint Transportation Research Program - INDOT Purdue University


Anan is a doctoral candidate at The Innovation Science Laboratory - Purdue University. His research focus is on the exploration of the tension between corporate risk and growth. Anan’s research and publications include the area of Innovation Science- an emerging field pursued at a handful of labs at top tier institutions globally; and the development of computing systems to comprehensively frame complex socio-technical challenges such as bringing fresh water to a village in the Dominican Republic using Natural Language Processing.

Anan has a deep interest in AI-Healthcare Venture Capital and has led a team to evaluate an early-stage diagnostics startup focused on pancreatic cancer on behalf of Purdue Ventures and The Purdue Foundry Investment Board. Anan has also worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Indiana University Health systems on a project focused on primary care. Anan has experience working in an entrepreneurial setting having had project management experience working at a design-build startup in India.