Abhishek Ajmani

Abhishek AjmaniDepartment: Civil Engineering

Title: MSc student

Research description: Innovation strategy and influence tactics for accelerated economic growth

Research highlights:

  • Detailed an investment roadmap that can accelerate advancements in the Marine Renewable Energy sector in a low-risk manner.
  • Created a comprehensive landscape of potential business roles and outlined the influence mechanisms needed to foster a marine energy ecosystem.

Keywords: innovation strategy, growth strategy, economic development, societal impact, enabling innovation, influence mechanisms, innovation ecosystem


Abhi is a master’s student at the Innovation Science lab, and he received his B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Purdue. He recently worked under Dr. Sinfield, in collaboration with the US Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, to develop investment and influence strategies that can de-risk and accelerate growth of the Marine Renewable Energy sector to ultimately realize an ocean-based economy.

Moving from blue economy building to regional economy building, for PhD, Abhi plans to combine insights from innovation, strategy, economics, and policy, to develop investment and influence strategies that can de-risk and accelerate economic growth and foster a sustainable economic engine. He envisions an innovation blueprint that can help policymakers make better decisions about the strategy for growth and societal impact.