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Support Us

Dear Members,

We wish to thank you for your continuing support. The popularity of Purdue ECT has been increasing through the year with over 15,000 hits per month. The Emerging Construction Technologies (ECT) website is a not-for-profit service to the construction industry initiated and supported by the Division of Construction Engineering & Management at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. To maintain a high level of service we are approaching the beneficiaries of this website, our members and subscribers, to help support this non-profit initiative.

Additional ways in which you can support ECT:

  • Suggest new Technologies

  • Encourage your friends to subscribe to Purdue ECT and Forward the ECT updates to your friends and colleagues

  • Join our technology review panel of experts and help us review emerging technologies

It is your support that will enable us to improve this service to the construction industry. We would be glad to receive any comments and suggestions. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at The entire ECT team appreciates your help and support of this effort.

Thanks and best regards,

Purdue ECT Team
C/o Prof. Makarand (Mark) Hastak, PE, CCP,
Head, Division of Construction Engineering & Management,
Purdue University.
