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Purdue University is pleased to announce the relaunching of the Emerging Construction Technologies website. The original website was developed at Purdue University in 1998 as part of a research project funded by the Construction Industry Institute (CII) and was recently taken off line for maintenance and update.

The new website is operated and maintained by the Division of Construction Engineering & Management, Purdue University as a not-for-profit service to the construction industry.

The purpose of this educational website is to present information about Emerging Construction Technologies that could have a "High Impact" on the construction industry.

The website currently catalogs over 230 emerging technologies (as of Nov 2017). These technologies are divided into eight areas: Civil, Mechanical, Internet-based, Electrical, Housing systems, Safety and Other. Each technology is presented in a fact sheet describing: The Need, The Technology, The Benefits, Status, Barriers, Points of Contact, and References.

A multi-pronged approach has been developed to establish the state of the art in Engineering/Procurement/Construction (EPC) related technologies. Each technology fact sheet is evaluated by recognized experts in that area and validated by at least one user or client. These "Technology Advocates" also serve as a reference for the emerging technology validating the product or service.

We hope you find the emerging technologies presented in this website intriguing and value adding to your business. We frequently update the content of the website by adding new fact sheets. Please visit frequently and follow @PurdueECT on Twitter if you would like us to keep you informed about newly published ECT Fact Sheets or changes to the website .


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