IAEA AI4Atoms Nuclear Power Session

IAEA AI4Atoms Nuclear Power Session

Event Date: October 25, 2021
Dr. Abdel-Khalik will present our group's research on the application of AI for condition monitoring and model validation applications in the Nuclear Power session at the IAEA AI4Atoms Conference.

Title: Artificial Intelligence for Condition Monitoring and Model Validation Applications
Presenter: Dr. Hany S. Abdel-Khalik
Date: October 25, 2021
Time: 11:10 AM CET 
Link: https://iaea.webex.com/iaea/onstage/g.php?PRID=a1d9092c4ed56cb201d21432a16cbb53 

For further information, please visit https://nucleus-new.iaea.org/sites/ai4atoms/SitePages/WG-AI4NP.aspx


Related Link: https://nucleus-new.iaea.org/sites/ai4atoms/Shared%20Documents/WG-AI4NP%20draft%20agenda.pdf