Hany Abdel-Khalik Expertise
Hany Abdel-Khalik works on the development of data analytics to support the security of industrial control systems, like nuclear reactors. His research has produced a set of signature-identification tools serving as fingerprints for the system, based on its unique operational history and design characteristics. His recent research has demonstrated the use of these signatures to build covert cognizance for predictive software to ensure its resiliency against both internal and external threats.
Area of expertise: Trustworthy ICS, Cybersecurity, Covert Cognizance
Research expertise: data mining, reduced order modeling, cybersecurity, inference techniques, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses
Biography: Dr. Abdel-Khalik graduated from North Carolina State University in 2004, with a major in nuclear engineering and specific focus on computational reactor physics. After graduation he joined AREVA-NP, the French nuclear technology monopoly. In 2007 he started a tenure track position at NCSU, and received his tenure in 2013. In 2014, he accepted an associate professor position at the school of nuclear engineering at Purdue university. His research focuses on the development of complexity reduction techniques for complex systems.