Aravind Machiry Expertise
Dr. Machiry's research spans various areas of computer security such as Vulnerability detection and Mitigating, Secure system development, Hardware Security, Type-safe languages, Software Diversity, and, Rehosting, to name a few. He aims to secure modern systems by providing principled yet practical solutions to various security problems. His recent focus is on three areas: (i) Retrofitting memory safety to deeply embedded systems: The goal here is to develop language-based techniques to add low-cost memory safety to legacy system software targetting resource-constrained devices such as MCUs; (ii) New Frontiers in Fuzzing: He explores the power of mutation guided testing to explore non-traditional applications such as binary generation, detecting data-poisoning attacks in federated learning, etc.; (iii) Verifying Patches at Binary Level: He works on various techniques to verify the safety of binary level patches, i.e., ensuring that the patch does not break the expected functionality of a binary (e.g., embedded firmware).
Areas of expertise: System and Software Security; Program Analysis.