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Saurabh contributes to vision paper on reliability and security of IoT

Saurabh contributes to vision paper on reliability and security of IoT

Event Date: May 15, 2020
NSF CSR breakout session on IoT led by Ramesh, Tarek, Prashant, and Saurabh. Nov 2019.
CRISP Director Saurabh Bagchi led a team of researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, University of Southern California, and University of Massachusetts at Amherst to create a vision document for reliability, security, networking, and systems challenges for IoT. This came out of the NSF Computer Systems Research and Networking PI meeting in 2019 where the four faculty led the breakout on IoT. This document has been invited for publication at the IEEE IoT Journal.

A pre-print of the article titled "New Frontiers in IoT: Networking, Systems, Reliability, and Security Challenges" is available on arXiv. The authors are (in order):

Saurabh Bagchi (Purdue University)
Tarek F. Abdelzaher (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Ramesh Govindan (University of Southern California)
Prashant Shenoy (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Akanksha Atrey (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Pradipta Ghosh (University of Southern California)
Ran Xu (Purdue University)

URL for the pre-print: