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Microplastics Created and Discharged into the Air from Steam CIPP

  • Scientific fileEnvironmental Science: Processes and Impacts, September 2023

Airborne Waste Produced from Steam CIPP

  • Scientific fileEnvironmental Science: Processes and Impacts, September 2023

Human Toxicology Study 2 (Worker and Public Safety)

Air Pollution Magnitude and Air Testing Devices

  • Scientific file, Environmental Science and Technology Letters, January 2023

Public Health Response and Needs Study, November 2022

Deficiencies and Corrective Recommendations for 2022 DCWater Air Monitoring Plan

Nanoplastic Air Pollution Study (Chemistry and Magnitudes)

NSF Study 4 (Resin Chemistry and Pollution Reduction)

Emergency Responder and Health Official Response Study

Air Impact and Waste Study (Worker and Environmental Safety)

  • Scientific file, Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, September 2020

Human Toxicology Study 1 (Worker and Public Safety)

DOT Lining Study 3 (Physical and Chemical Integrity)

DOT Lining Study 2 (UV CIPP Water Quality)

DOT Lining Study 1 (Surface and Storm Water Quality)

NSF Rapid CIPP Study 2 (Worker, Public Safety, and Chemical Air Emissions)

NSF Rapid CIPP Study 1 (Worker, Public Safety, and Chemical Air Emissions)

Incorrect assertions about the NSF Rapid CIPP study

In 2016, Purdue researchers began investigating chemical emissions and exposures caused by cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) water pipe repair sites. CIPP is the most popular water pipe repair technologies used in the U.S. Because this technology uses raw chemicals in the field and manufacturers a new plastic pipe inside an existing damaged water pipe, chemicals can be emitted into the environment and enter nearby buildings. CIPP is used for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and drinking water pipe repairs.

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