Published on: February 27, 2024
ISPE-EF Scholarship
ISPE-EF Scholarship
ISPE-EF Scholarship Information
To qualify for one of the Scholarships, the applicant must meet all the following criteria and report the information substantiating the applicant's eligibility.
1. The applicant, and his/her parents or legal guardian, must be residents of the State of Indiana, and the applicant shall attend an Indiana educational institution or be commuting daily to a school outside the State of Indiana.
2. The applicant must be entering the Fall Semester of this scholarship year having accrued a minimum of 24 credit hours for an undergraduate EAC/ABET accredited engineering degree (i.e. be entering at least as a college sophomore).
3. The applicant may not be the legal dependent of any member of the Scholarship Committee (the Chair and/or other members, if any).
Applications for the Scholarships are available on the ISPE website at Upon completion, the application, reference letters, official transcript and letter of transmittal are to be submitted to the listed Scholarship Chair.
The ISPE Scholarship Chair will review the candidate's application to assure completeness and verification of information, and to determine eligibility. The selection of the scholarship award will be based on the following criteria:
1. Academic standing in an EAC/ABET accredited engineering program of study.
2. Participation in extra-curricular activities.
3. Comments of teachers, administrators and others.
The amount of each of the Scholarships will be two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) awarded per academic year paid at the time of enrollment for the fall semester, or the equivalent for schools on a trimester or other system.
The Indiana Society of Professional Engineers (ISPE), recognizing that an engineering education is the foundation upon which the engineering profession is constructed and also recognizing the need for encouragement and financial aid, has established the scholarship program to aid resident students of Indiana who have proven a genuine interest in an engineering career.
Students who are assisted by this program will be those whose scholastic records and personal qualifications indicate clearly that they merit the highest consideration by the Scholarship Committee. It is our hope that these scholarships will be of lasting value to the promising young citizens and the engineering profession.
Sam Reed, PE
State Scholarship Chair
4603 Statesmen Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46250