Published on: September 15, 2020

Virtual Tour of Lockheed Martin - Emphasizing Hypersonics

Virtual Tour of Lockheed Martin - Emphasizing Hypersonics

Event Date: September 24, 2020

Please see the invitation below:

Lockheed Martin and the University of Tennessee are pleased to invite you – undergraduate and graduate students interested in Aerospace & Defense -  to participate in this Zoom-driven Virtual Tour of Lockheed Martin  with an emphasis on Hypersonics.

To facilitate engagement with motivated future professionals, Lockheed Martin is requesting that attendees RSVP using this link:

Please feel free to contact the event host, Dr. John Schmisseur, of the University of Tennessee Space Institute, at  if you have any questions or would like to suggest a question for our panel of speakers.

We look forward to your participation in this event on September 24th.