Published on: April 4, 2023

Purdue Engineering GradTrack Scholars – Apply by 4/12

Purdue Engineering GradTrack Scholars – Apply by 4/12

Get on the track to graduate school with this free, online, and interactive program!

GradTrack is an online program that prepares underrepresented undergraduate students (sophomore to seniors) from any U.S. institution for graduate school. As a GradTrack Scholar, you are expected to attend 8 online meetings between August and December and participate in related assignments. Meetings will be on Monday evenings from 7:00-8:30 p.m. EST. Whether you are applying to graduate school or summer research opportunities, you will finish the program with completed documents for a competitive application. 


  • U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
  • Member of an underrepresented minority group in engineering (including but not limited to Hispanic, Black or African American, Native American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander)
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a U.S. institution with an interest in pursuing a graduate degree in engineering.
  • GPA 3.0/4.0 or greater

Applications are due by Wednesday, April 12th; to apply click here, and to learn more about the program please visit our website.