Published on: March 26, 2024
Fall 24 VIP/AAE 490 Trac-Sat Design Build Test
Fall 24 VIP/AAE 490 Trac-Sat Design Build Test
What is Trac-Sat?
Trac-Sat is a student led CubeSat mission which will demonstrate two technologies: laser communication and FEMTA micro-propulsion.
Research Activities
Students will participate in the research, design, fabrication, and testing of the Trac-Sat mission. Students will gain hands-on experience in working with satellite hardware, machining, FEA analysis, and mission design.
Who Should Join?
We are looking for undergraduate students who are interested in conducting research in nanosatellite design. All engineering disciplines are welcome. Previous research experience not required.
Contact Information:
Please send questions to Steven Pugia at