Global Semiconductor Partners Working Group Meeting

Session Details

Purdue, West Lafayette and Virtual

October 19, 2023
8:00 am - 3:00pm EST

The need for allies to partner in advancing shared semiconductor goals is widely-appreciated. The UPWARDS initiative announced at the G7 summit on May 21 is a notable example of developing partnerships to foster cross-border cooperation of academia, industry, and government directed at global knowledge exchange and at advancing semiconductor technology and workforce development. To realize the promise of global semiconductor partnerships, several issues must be addressed. Among these are expected outcomes, funding models, specific roles of universities, companies, and governments, the impact of export control regulations, etc.

To further these discussions, Purdue is convening the International Semiconductors Working Group. This meeting will take place on the Purdue campus on October 19, 2023, with an option for international partners to attend virtually. The goals of the meeting are to identify opportunities, challenges, and expected outcomes for international semiconductor partnerships. The specific goal is to set the stage for a major meeting being planned for April 2024 in Washington D.C., the CHIPS for America Execute for Success 2024 Policy and Strategy Summit.

For more information, contact Cristina Farmus.