Arvind Raman, Executive Associate Dean, Robert V. Adams Professor in Mechanical Engineering, Professor of Materials Engineering (by Courtesy)
Ryan Wagner, Research Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Ron Reifenberger, Professor Emeritus in Physics
Akshay Deolia, PhD Student
Topic: Heat transfer coupled vibrations and mechanics problems at the macro and nanoscales
M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder, 2018
B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, 2016
Uidam Jung, PhD Student
Topic: AFM applications to material science
B.S. in Chemical Engineering & Mechanical Engineering, SungKyunKwan University, 2018
Lab alumni
Doctoral students
- Dan Feng, PhD 2021, Mechanics, vibrations, and tension measurement of thin webs in roll-to-roll manufacturing for flexible and printed electronics
- Devin Kalafut, PhD 2021, Multistability in Continuous Systems: A study of Capacitive Microcantilever Switches
- Bahram Rajabifar, PhD 2021, Computational and experimental studies of atomic force microscopy on viscoelastic polymers with surface forces.
- Maria Jose Cadena, PhD 2018, 3D subsurface nanoscale imaging and reconstruction using dynamic atomic force microscopy
- Denise Cruise, PhD 2018, A Dynamical Systems Analysis of Upright Stance: Exploring the Effect of Unstable Surfaces, Aging, and Pathology
- Nurul Huda Shaik, PhD 2017, New multi-harmonic techniques for sensing tip-sample interactions and nanomechanical material property mapping in dynamic atomic force microscscopy.
- Alexander Cartagena, PhD 2014, New dynamic AFM modes for highly sensitive biomechanical assays and molecular recognition on biological samples in liquids, Postdoctoral fellow at NIH.
- Ryan Wagner, PhD 2014, Advanced atomic force microscopy techniques for characterizing the properties of cellulosic nanomaterials, currently A research proffesor at Purdue.
- James Chagdes, PhD, 2012, Nonlinear dynamics in human postural control, Assistant Professor at Miami University, Ohio.
- Ryan Tung, PhD, 2012, Nonlinear dynamics and Fluid structure interactions in microsystems, Assistant Professor at University of Nevada, Reno.
- Daniel Kiracofe, PhD, 2012, Graduate School doctoral fellow, Nonlinear dynamics in liquid environment atomic force microscopy, GE Aviation.
- John Melcher, PhD, 2011, Nonlinear dynamics in atomic force microscopy, Applied Physics Lab, Johns Hopkins University.
- Gyan Prakash, PhD, 2010 (co-advised with Prof Reifenberger), Parametric resonance based atomic force microscopy and mass-sensing in ambient and liquid environments, Intel Corp.
- Mark Strus, PhD, 2009, Carbon nanotube mechanics in scanning probe microscopy, NRC research fellow, NRC postdoc fellow at NIST Boulder, currently at SEAKR Engineering, Denver.
- William G. Conley, PhD, 2009, Nonlinear dynamics in nanomechanical systems, Staff Scientist at Navsea-Crane, Indiana, currently at Office of Undersecretary of Defense.
- Xin Xu, PhD, 2009, Dynamic atomic force microscopy in liquids and applications to biological samples, Postdoc at University of Colorado, Boulder.
- Rahul Bidkar, PhD, 2008, Flow-structure interactions in flexible structures, GE research.
- Matthew G. Spletzer, PhD, 2008, New paradigms in microcantilever based sensors, Staff engineer, Sandia national Labs.
- Anirban Jana, PhD, 2008, Aeroelastic flutter and fluid-structure interactions in rotating and stationary vibrating disks, Senior Scientist, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, PA.
- Shuiqing Hu, PhD, 2007, Nonlinear dynamics and force spectroscopy in dynamic atomic force microscopy, Bruker Scanning Probe Microscopy Division, Santa Barbara, CA.
- Ashwin Vyas, PhD, 2007, (co-advised with Profs Bajaj and Peroulis), Microresonator designs based on nonlinear 1:2 internal resonance between flexural-flexural and torsional-flexural structural modes, Cummins Inc.
- Sudipta Basak, PhD, 2007, Dynamics of oscillating microcantilevers in viscous fluids, Tasnix Corp, Australia.
- Nam-Cheol Kang, PhD, 2004, Aeroelastic stability of enclosed high speed rotating disks, Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpoon National University, S. Korea.
MS students
- Denise Hickman, MSME, 2014, Balance platforms for studying human postural bifurcations.
- Leyla Yamin, MSME, 2013, Exploiting cantilever dynamics signatures for mapping local material properties of live cells using AFM.
- Hank Thompson, MSME, 2013, Nanomechanics of carbon nanotube and graphene interactions with polymers.
- Ryan Tung, MSME, 2008, Flow-structure interactions of microcantilevers in viscous fluids.
- Trevor Slack, MSME, 2005, Mathematical modeling and simulation of flexible media in web handling systems.
- Mauritz DeRidder, MSME, 2005, Virus capsid mechanics (non-thesis).
- Lawrence Bradley Sharos, MSME, 2004, High sensitivity mass detection using modal coupling phenomena in microcantilever and carbon nanotube resonators.
- Sydney Wait, MSME, 2004 (with Prof. Garimella), Ultrasonic piezoelectric fans.
- Sudipta Basak, MSME, 2003 (with Prof. Garimella), Mathematical modeling and optimization of the dynamics of piezoelectric fans and resonators.
- Merrill Vaughan, MSME, 2003, Aeroelastic stability of axially moving webs coupled to incompressible flows.
- Tolga Acikalin, MSME, 2002 (with Prof. Garimella), Thermo-fluid mechanics of piezoelectric fans.
- Ashwin Vyas, MSME, 2001 (with Prof. Bajaj), Investigations into wideband autoparametric vibration absorbers for flexible structures.
- Philipp Bürmann, MSME, 2001, Modeling and analysis of resonant piezoelectric fans (non-thesis).
- Mike Tiller, MSME, 2000, (with Prof. Krousgrill), Vibrations and eigenvalue veering phenomena of coupled circular plates with applications to ultrasonic motor design (non-thesis).
Postdoctoral fellows
- Dr Dan Feng, 2021-2022, Instructional Assistant Professor, Texas A&M Univeristy, Texas
- Dr. Yuri Efremov, 2015-2018, Lead Research, Sechenov University, Russia.
- Dr. Jim Chagdes, 2013-2015, Assistant Professor at Miami University, Ohio.
- Dr. Xin Xu, 2011-onwards, AFM applications in composites and Microsystems.
- Dr. Jin Woo Lee, 2007-2009, currently Assistant Professor in Ajou University, S. Korea, Fluid structure interactions in MEMS.
- Dr. Nam-Cheol Kang, 2006, PhD Purdue University, currently Professor, Kyungpoon National University, S. Korea, Mechanics and vibrations in web handling systems.
- Dr. Richard Zhang, 2004, PhD Purdue University, (co-advised with Prof. T. Fisher), currently at GE Research, Nanothermomechanics.
- Dr. Soo-Il Lee, 2001-2003, currently Professor, University of Seoul, S. Korea, Nonlinear dynamics and vibrations of microcantilevers in MEMS and scanning probe microscopy.
Visiting scholars supervised
- Prof. Yuhang Chen, University of Science and Technology of China, 2016, AFM subsurface imaging of nanocomposites using electric ans stress fields.
- Prof. Mauricio Giraldo, NEXUS-Fulbright scholar, Head of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia, 2013, Nanofluidics of ion filtration in mangrove roots.
- Juan Vasquez Cifuentes, PhD student, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellin, Colombia, Jan –Aug, 2013, Gas damping of microcantilevers with slip.
- Alejandro Castañeda, PhD student, Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2013, Multi-frequency electrical AFM methods for nanocomposites characterization.
- Mercedes Hernando-Pérez, PhD student, Condensed Matter Physics, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, spring 2011, 2012, 2013, Dynamic AFM methods for mapping physical properties of viruses.
- Maria Jose Cadena, MS student, Department of Electronic Engineering, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, Feb-Aug 2012, Multi-frequency electrical AFM methods for nanocomposites characterization.
- Oliver Peyton, PhD student, University of Bristol, 2011, Laser vibrometry studies of cantilever dynamics in high-speed AFM.
- Juan Camilo Muñera, MS student, Universidad EAFIT, Medellín, Colombia, March, 2012, Dynamic AFM studies of bitumen.
- Prof. Changsoo Han, Korean Institute of Machinery and Materials, 2003-2004, Carbon nanotube probe fabrication and mechanics.
- Hyungwoo Lee, KAIST, Korea, 2003-2004, Carbon nanotube probe fabrication and mechanics.
- Prof. Jong-Gil Lee, Andong University, Korea, 2003-2004, Vibrations of carbon nanotube resonators.
- Jin-Woo Lee, Seoul National University, Korea, 2001, Acoustic structure interaction in hard disk drives.
- Sebastian Rützel, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 2000/2001, Dynamic response of atomic force microscopes in high-speed scanning applications.
Undergraduate researchers supervised
- Siddharth Nathella, 2021, ME 498 student, AFM tip damage study.
- Jordan Harris, 2021, ME 498 student, AFM humidity controller.
- Matt Stienstra, 2012, ME 497 student, Vibrations of nanowires.
- Tridib Saha, SURF student, 2011, New control strategies for high speed AFM scanning.
- Steven Johnson, 2007, ME 497 student, Shape optimization of AFM microcantilevers for operation in liquids.
- Melanie Kemerling, 2007, ME 497 student, Cantilever biosensors using stem cells.
- Jin Xin, Spring intern, 2007, Purdue GEARE program, Electronics for energy harvesting.
- Juliann Henderlong, 2006, NASA- Microgravity University project, Microcantilever sensors under microgravity conditions.
- Luis Moreno, 2006, NASA- Microgravity University project, Microcantilever sensors under microgravity conditions.
- Kedar Hippalgaonkar, 2006, Honor’s thesis, Wavelet transformed dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy.
- John Melcher, 2006, Honor’s thesis, Point mass models of continuous atomic force microscopy probes.
- Bill Conley, 2002, Honor’s thesis, Nonlinear dynamics in atomic scale friction.
- Spencer Patterson, 2002, ME 497 student, Design of a web handling test system.