Our group publishes extensively in top journals across several fields of engineering and science including Physical Review Letters, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Nature Nanotechnology, Scientific Reports, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Biomechanics, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Journal of Applied Mechanics. For a more comprehensive list of journal publications and citations please see google scholar
Journal Publications (last five years listed out of a total of 142)
- B. Rajabifar, J. Jadhav, D. Kiracofe, G. F. Meyers, A. Raman, “Dynamic AFM on Viscoelastic Polymer Samples with Surface Forces - A Computational Approach”, Langmuir, 2017, under review.
- D. Kalafut, A. K. Bajaj, A. Raman, “Multistability of Cantilever MEMS/NEMS Switches Induced by Electrostatic and Surface Forces”, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 2017, accepted.
- I. Efremov, W. D. Wang, S. D. Hardy, R. Geahlen, A. Raman, “Measuring nanoscale viscoelastic parameters of cells directly from AFM force-displacement curves”, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 2017, in press.
- D. Cruise, J. R. Chagdes, J. L. Liddy, S. Rietdyk, J. M. Haddad, H. N. Zelaznik, and A. Raman, “An active balance board system with real-time control of stiffness and time-delay to assess mechanisms of postural stability”, Journal of Biomechanics, 60, 48, 2017.
- M. J. Cadena, Y. Chen, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Sub-surface AFM imaging using tip generated stress and electric fields”, Applied Physics Letters, 110 (12), 2017.
- M. J. Cadena, J. C. Parker, A. Raman, R. Refienberger, “Fabrication and characterization of mesopores in a silica gel matrix”, Materials Research Innovations, 2017, doi:10.1080/14328917.2017.1304676.
- N.H. Shaik, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Enhancing the optical lever sensitivity of microcantilevers for dynamic atomic force microscopy via integrated low frequency paddles”, Nanotechnology, 27(19), 2016.
- JR Chagdes, S Rietdyk, JM Haddad, HN Zelaznik, ME Cinelli, L. T. Denomme, K. C. Powers, A. Raman,, “Limit cycle oscillations in standing human posture”, Journal of Biomechanics, 49 (7), 1170, 2016.
- M. J. Cadena; S. H. Sung, B. W. Boudouris, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Nanoscale Mapping of Dielectric Properties of Nanomaterials from Kilohertz to Megahertz Using Ultrasmall Cantilevers”, ACS Nano, 10(4), 4062, 2016.
- R. B. Wagner, R. J. Moon, A. Raman, “Mechanical properties of cellulose nanomaterials studied by contact resonance atomic force microscopy”, Cellulose, 23(2), 1031, 2016.
- J. Chagdes, J.E Huber, M. Saletta, M. Darling-White, A. Raman, S. Rietdyk, H. N. Zelaznik, J. M. Haddad, “The relationship between intermittent limit cycles and postural instability associated with Parkinson's disease”, Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2016.
- A. I.M. Athamneh, A. X. Cartagena-Rivera, A. Raman, D. M. Suter, “Substrate Deformation Predicts Neuronal Growth Cone Advance”, Biophysical Journal, 109(7), 1358, 2015.
- Y. Li, Z. Yan, A. Raman, X. Xu, “Three-dimensional mapping of optical near field with scattering SNOM”, Optics Express, 23(14), 18730, 2015.
- A. I.M. Athamneh, A. X. Cartagena-Rivera, A. Raman, D. M. Suter, “The Level of Substrate Deformation and not Traction Force Regulates Adhesion-Mediated Neuronal Growth Cone Advance”, Biophysical Journal, 108(2):305a. DOI:10.1016/j.bpj.2014.11.1657, 2015.
- M. Hernando-Perez, A.X. Cartagena-Rivera, R. Pudgornik, A. Raman, P. J. dePablo, “Quantitative nanoscale electrostatics of viruses, ACS Nanoscale, 7(41), 172289, 2015.
- A. X. Cartagena-Rivera, W-H. Wang, R. L. Geahlen, and A. Raman, “Fast, multi-frequency, and quantitative nanomechanical mapping of live cells using the atomic force microscope”, Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), 5, 11692, 2015.
- X. Xu, J. Mares, L. Groven, S. Son, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Nanoscale Characterization of Mock Explosive Materials using Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Methods”, Journal of Energetic Materials, 33(1), 51, 2015.
- A. Castaneda, A. Avila, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Depth Sensitive Sub-surface Imaging of Polymer Nanocomposites using Second Harmonic Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy”, ACS Nano, 9(3), 2938, 2015.
- R. Wagner, J. P. Killgore, R. C. Tung, A. Raman, and D. C. Hurley, “Vibrational shape tracking of atomic force microscopy cantilevers for improved sensitivity and accuracy of nanomechanical measurements”, Nanotechnology, 26(4), 045701, 2015.
- M. Krisenko, A. Cartagena, A. Raman, R. Geahlen, Nanomechanical property maps of breast cancer cells by multi-harmonic atomic force microscopy reveal Syk-dependent changes in microtubule stability mediated by MAP1B", Biochemistry, 54(1), 60, 2015.
- M. Penedo, A. Raman, S. Hormeño, I. Fernández-Martínez, M. Luna, and F. Briones, Enhanced efficiency in the excitation of higher modes for atomic force microscopy and mechanical sensors operated in liquids, Applied Physics Letters, 105(17), 173102, 2014.
- S. Palit, X. Xu, A. Raman, M. A. Alam, “Implications of Rough Dielectric Surfaces on Charging-Adjusted Actuation of RF-MEMS”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 35(9), 948-950, 2014.
- N. H. Shaik, R.Reifenberger, A. Raman,” Microcantilevers with embedded accelerometers for dynamic Atomic Force Microscopy”, Applied Physics Letters, 104(8), 083109, 2014.
- A. Cartagena and A. Raman,” Local viscoelastic properties of live cells investigated using dynamic and quasi-static atomic force microscopy methods”, Biophysical Journal, 106(5), 1033, 2014.
- R. C. Tung, A. Fruehling, D. Peroulis, A. Raman, “Multiple Timescales and Modeling of Dynamic Bounce Phenomena in RF MEMS Switches”, IEEE/ASME Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 23(1), 137, 2014.
- R. B. Wagner, A. Raman, R. Proksch, “Spatial spectrograms of vibrating atomic force microscopy cantilever coupled to sample surfaces”, Applied Physics Letters, 103(6), 263102, 2014.
- H. Kim, N. H. Shaik, X. Xu, A. Raman, A. Strachan, “Multiscale contact mechanics model for RF-MEMS switches with quantified uncertainties”, Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 21(8), 085002, 2013. A.
- Fruehling, R. Tung, A. Raman and D. Peroulis, “In-situ monitoring of dynamic bounce phenomena in RF MEMS switches”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23, 2013.
- J. Chagdes, S. Rietdyk, J. Haddad, H. Zelaznik, A. Raman, “Dynamic stability of a human standing on a balance board”, Journal of Biomechanics, 46(15), 2593, 2013.
- R. C. Tung, A. Fruehling, A. Raman, “Multiple Timescales and Modeling of Dynamic Bounce Phenomena in RF MEMS Switches”, Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 2013.
- A. Raman and D. Kiracofe, “Nonlinear dynamics of atomic force microscope microcantilevers in liquid environments - a review”, Nonlinear theory and its applications, IEICE, 4(3), 184, 2013.
- D. Kiracofe, A. Raman, D. Yablon, “Multiple regimes of operation in bimodal AFM: understanding the energy of cantilever eigenmodes”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 4, 385, 2013.
- A. Cartagena, M. Hernando-Perez, P. J. dePablo, A. Raman, “Mapping in vitro local material properties of intact and disrupted virions at high resolution using multi-harmonic atomic force microscopy”, RSC Nanoscale, 2013.
- R. Tung, A. Kovacs, D. Peroulis, A. Raman, “Simultaneous measurement of residual stress, curvature, and boundary compliance of doubly clamped MEMS beams from their vibration response”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 23 (4), 045009, 2013.
- J. Melcher, D. Martinez-Martin, M. Jaafar, J. Gomez-Herrero, A. Raman, “High resolution dynamic atomic force microscopy in liquids with different feedback architectures”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 4(153), 2013.
- M. J. Cadena, R. Misiego, K. C. Smith, A. Avila, R. B. Pipes, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Sub-surface imaging of carbon nanotube-polymer composites using dynamic AFM methods”, Nanotechnology, 24(135706), 2013
- H. T. Thompson, F. Barroso-Bujans, J. Gomez-Herrero, R. Reifenberger, A. Raman, “Subsurface imaging of carbon nanotube networks with DC-biased multifrequency atomic force microscopy”, Nanotechnology, 24 (135701), 2013.
- D. Kiracofe, A. Raman, “Nonlinear dynamics of the atomic force microscope at the liquid-solid interface”, Physical Review B, 86(20), 205405, 2012.
- R. B. Wagner, B. Pittendrigh, A. Raman, “Local elasticity and adhesion of nanostructures on Drosophila melanogaster wing membranes studied using atomic force microscopy”, Applied Surface Science, 259, 225, 2012.
- M. Jaafar, D. Martinez-Martin, M. Cuenca, J. Melcher, A. Raman, J. Gomez-Herrero, “Drive-amplitude-modulation atomic force microscopy: from vacuum to liquids”, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 3, 336, 2012.
- G. Prakash, J. F. Rhoads, A. Raman, R. Reifenberger, “Parametric noise squeezing and resonance of microcantilevers in air and liquid environments”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(6), 065109, 2012.
- O. D. Peyton, L. Picco, D. Robert, A. Raman, M.E. Homer, A. R. Champneys, and M. J. Miles, “High speed atomic force microscopy in slow motion – understanding cantilever behavior at high scan velocities”, Nanotechnology, 23, 205704, 2012.
- X. Xu, M. Koslowski, A. Raman, “Dynamics of surface coupled microcantilevers in force modulation atomic force microscopy- magnetic vs. dither piezo excitation”, Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 054303, 2012.
- J. Gomez-Herrero, D. Martinez-Martin, C. Carrasco, M. Hernando-Perez, P. J. de Pablo, R. Perez, M. Garcia-Mateu, J. L. Carrascosa, D. Kiracofe, J. Melcher, A. Raman, “Resolving structure and mechanical properties at the nanoscale of Viruses with frequency modulation atomic force microscopy”, PLoS One, 7(1), e30204, 2012.
- D. Kiracofe, J. Melcher, A. Raman, “Gaining insight into the physics of dynamic atomic force microscopy in complex environments using the VEDA simulator”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 83(1), 013702, 2012.