All Publications


  1. T. Voskuilen, E. Waters, T. Pourpoint, A Comprehensive Approach for Alloy Selection in Metal Hydride Thermal Systems, 2014, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 39(25), pp. 13240–13254
  2. E. Waters, T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, Metal hydride component design (MHy-CoDe) tool for the selection of hydrides in thermal systems, 2014, 32nd International Thermal Conductivity Conference and 20th International Thermal Expansion Symposium - Purdue University, April 2014


  1. J. Dadson, T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, In-Situ Characterization of Magnesium Hydride Thermal Properties, 2013, HFC 2013, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 16-19
  2. L. Groven, T. Pfeil, T. Pourpoint, Solution Combustion Synthesized Cobalt Oxide Catalyst Precursor for NaBH4 Hydrolysis, 2013, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38, pp 6377-6380
  3. T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, Methods for Quantifying the Influences of Pressure and Temperature Variation on Metal Hydride Reaction Rates Measured Under Isochoric Conditions, 2013, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 84, pp. 115102
  4. T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, Phase Field Modeling of Hydrogen Transport and Reaction in Metal Hydrides, 2013, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 38, pp. 7363-7375


  1. T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, A. Dailly, Hydrogen adsorption on microporous materials at ambient temperatures and pressures up to 50 MPa, 2012, Adsorption, Vol. 18, pp. 239-249
  2. Y. Zheng, T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, D. Guildenbecher, J. P. Gore, Determination of the Thermal Properties of Ammonia Borane and its Thermolysis Product (Polyiminoborane) Using Transient Plane Source Technique, 2012, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 37, pp. 5128-5136
  3. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, Experimental investigation and theoretical modeling of dehydriding process in high-pressure metal hydride hydrogen storage systems, 2012, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 37, pp. 5735-5749
  4. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, Coiled-tube heat exchanger for High-Pressure Metal Hydride hydrogen storage systems - Part 1. Experimental study, 2012, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp. 1782-1795
  5. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, Coiled-tube heat exchanger for High-Pressure Metal Hydride hydrogen storage systems - Part 2. Computational Model, 2012, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 55, pp. 1796-1806


  1. T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, Analysis of hydrogen adsorption in microporous adsorbents at room temperature and high pressures, 2011, Proceedings of the Materials Research Society, San Francisco, CA, 1334
  2. S. Basu, Y. Zheng, J. P. Gore, An Experimental Study of Neat and Ionic-Liquid Aided Ammonia Borane Thermolysis, 2011, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, pp. 734-740
  3. A. Brockman, Y. Zheng, J. P. Gore, A Study of Catalytic Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane Solutions, 2011, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 7350-7356
  4. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, T. Pourpoint, Enhanced heat exchanger design for hydrogen storage using high-pressure metal hydride: Part 1. Design methodology and computational results, 2011, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 413-423
  5. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, T. Pourpoint, Enhanced heat exchanger design for hydrogen storage using high-pressure metal hydride: Part 2. Experimental results, 2011, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 54, pp. 424-432


  1. S. Basu, Y. Zheng, A. Varma, W. N. Delgass, J. P. Gore, Catalytic hydrolysis of ammonia borane: intrinsic parameter estimation and validation, 2010, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 35, pp. 1957-1963
  2. K. Deshpande, T. Voskuilen, S. Basu, J. P. Gore, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, Design, Construction and Test of a Subscale Ammonia Borane Reactor, 2010, IMECE 2010, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, November 12-18, Paper IMECE2010-39343
  3. M. Visaria, I. Mudawar, T. Pourpoint, S. Kumar, Study of heat transfer and kinetics parameters influencing the design of heat exchangers for hydrogen storage in high-pressure metal hydrides, 2010, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp. 2229-2239
  4. T. Pourpoint, V. Velagapudi, Y. Zheng, T. Fisher, Active cooling of a metal hydride system for hydrogen storage, 2010, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 53, pp. 1326-1332
  5. T. Voskuilen, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, Development of a Sievert Apparatus for Characterization of High Pressure Hydrogen Sorption Materials, 2010, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 10387
  6. S. Flueckiger, T. Voskuilen, T. Pourpoint, T. Fisher, Y. Zheng, In situ characterization of metal hydride thermal transport properties, 2010, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 614-621
  7. T. Voskuilen, K. Smith, T. Pourpoint, T. Fisher, Effective diffusion-limited kinetics of metal hydrides incorporating realistic particle morphology, 2010, Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Materials for Energy


  1. S. Basu, A. Brockman, P. Gagare, Y. Zheng, P. V. Ramachandran, W. N. Delgass, J. P. Gore, Chemical Kinetics of Ru-catalyzed Ammonia Borane Hydrolysis, 2009, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 188, pp. 238-243
  2. K. Smith, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, I. Mudawar, Heat transfer in high-pressure metal hydride systems, 2009, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, Vol. 16, pp. 189-203
  3. T. Voskuilen, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, Analysis of the Hydrogen Sorption Kinetics of Ti1.1CrMn, 2009, 7th International Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Denver, CO, Aug. 2-5, 2009, Paper # AIAA-2009-4502
  4. S. Flueckiger, T. Voskuilen, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, Advanced transient plane source method for the measurement of thermal properties of high pressure metal hydrides, 2009, Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference


  1. T. Voskuilen, Y. Zheng, T. Pourpoint, Thermal management in the measurement of metal hydride kinetics, 2008, Proceedings of 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference
  2. T. Pourpoint, A. Sisto, K. Smith, T. Voskuilen, M. Visaria, Y. Zheng, T. Fisher, Performance of thermal enhancement materials in high pressure metal hydride storage systems, 2008, Proceedings of 2008 ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference


  1. J. S. Zhang, W. N. Delgass, T. Fisher, J. P. Gore, Kinetics of Ru-catalyzed sodium borohydride hydrolysis, 2007, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 164, pp 772-781
  2. J. S. Zhang, Y. Zheng, T. Fisher, J. P. Gore, 1 kWe Sodium Borohydride Hydrogen Generation System: Part I Experimental Study, 2007, Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 165, pp. 844-853
  3. K. Smith, C. Polster, P. Gilbert, T. Fisher, Heat conduction in metal hydride nano-particles, 2007, Proceedings of the 2nd Energy Nanotechnology International Conference, ENIC2007, pp 61-67


  1. J. S. Zhang, Y. Zheng, T. Fisher, J. P. Gore, D. Hazra, P. V. Ramachandran, Heat of Reaction Measurements of Sodium Borohydride Alcoholysis and Hydrolysis, 2006, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy Research, Vol. 31, pp. 2292-2298
  2. Y. Zheng, V. Velagapudi, T. Pourpoint, T. Fisher, I. Mudawar, J. P. Gore, Thermal Management Analysis of On-Board High-Pressure Metal Hydride Systems, 2006, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper # 14080


  1. J. S. Zhang, T. Fisher, J. P. Gore, P. V. Ramachandran, I. Mudawar, A review of heat transfer issues in hydrogen storage technologies, 2005, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 127(12), pp. 1391-1399