

Purdue researchers tame the interplay of light and matter to build a 'playground' for novel physics, Purdue Engineering News, December 5, 2024.


Single-Molecule-Like Aggregates in 2D Hybrid Perovskite Superlattices for Enhanced Optoelectronic Performance, Purdue Chemical Engineering School News, September 12, 2024.


Media response to our paper Authentication through residual attention-based processing of tampered optical responses:

AI-powered optical detection to thwart counterfeit chips:

RAPTOR Turns a Beady Eye Onto Counterfeit or Maliciously Modified Chips,, July 2024

AI-powered optical detection could tackle fake chips,, July 24, 2024

AI-assisted photonic detector identifies fake semiconductor chips,, August 20, 2024

Purdue deep-learning innovation secures semiconductors against counterfeit chips, Purdue Newsroom, September 16, 2024


Groundbreaking Discoveries in Photonic Time Crystals,, October 11, 2023


Faster than can be explained: Optical time crystals could revolutionize optics, (also,, September 4, 2023


Purdue streak camera innovation could capture actions that last femtoseconds or less - a Purdue News article highlighting our research aimed at improving upon traditional streak cameras' performance whose time-resolution lies in the 600 to 800 femtosecond range.


Advancing Quantum Super-Resolution Imaging with Machine Learning - a Purdue ECE News article (Aug. 18, 2023) highlighting our paper Machine learning assisted quantum super-resolution microscopy.


Electrically reconfigurable interactions in quantum spin systems, Purdue ECE News, March 3, 2022: the article highlightes research described in our paper Electric field control of interaction between magnons and quantum spin defects.


Media response to our paper High-harmonic generation in metallic titanium nitride:

Study: First observation of high-harmonic generation in robust, refractory metals:


Metamaterials. Scientific sensations (in Russian), Science (Russian popular science news outlet), March 2, 2020


Media response to our paper Rapid Classification of Quantum Sources Enabled by Machine Learning:

New machine learning-assisted method rapidly classifies quantum sources:


Acceleration to Hundreds of THz, August 25, 2020, (in Russian)


Media response to our paper Determining plasmonic hot-carrier energy distributions via single-molecule transport measurements:

Discovery unlocks 'hot' electrons for more efficient energy use:

First measurement of electron energy distributions, could enable sustainable energy technologies:

Discovery Unlocks 'Hot' Electrons for More Efficient Solar Panels:

Study of Hot Electrons Could Improve Efficiency of Energy Technology:


Machine learning assists in the fast, efficient design of nanophotonic devices, AIP Scilight, May 29, 2020 - in response to our paper Machine-learning-assisted metasurface design for high-efficiency thermal emitter optimization


Major Russian news outlet - Izvestiya - on our collaborative work with Russian scientists on bright single-photon source, January 12, 2020 (in Russian)


Interview to Radio Sputnik on the state of the art and expected developments in quantum computing, July 19, 2019 (in Russian):


Light may increase magnetic memory speeds 1,000 times, decrease electricity consumption, Purdue Research Foundation News, July 10, 2019


Still Plenty of Room at the Bottom, Opt. Phot. News, July 1, 2019. This article tied to the 60-th Anniversary of R. Feynman's visionary speech cites our work on synchrotron radiation from an accelerating light pulse.


A news story that escaped our attention at the time it was published: Strides in Materials, but No Invisibility Cloak, The New York Times, NOV. 8, 2010


Media response to our paper Synchrotron radiation from an accelerating light pulse: *** new ***

Light-bending tech shrinks kilometers-long radiation system to millimeter scale, October 25, 2018

Metamaterials allow researchers to shrink a synchrotron onto a chip, Chemical & Engineering News, October 25, 2018

Researchers are developing small device that bends light to generate new radiation (in German),, October 25, 2018

U-M researchers develop small device that bends light to generate new radiation, Michigan University News, October 25, 2018

Scientists Use Metamaterial to Make Chip-Size Synchrotron,, November 1, 2018

Scientists Use Metamaterial to Make Chip-Size Synchrotron:

Tiny Device Bends Light To Create Radiation:


Media response to our work on ultrabright single-photon emission: *** new ***

Toward unhackable communication: Single particles of light could bring the 'quantum internet', October 16, 2018


Media response to our paper Ultrathin and multicolour optical cavities with embedded metasurfaces:

Low bandwidth? Use more colors at once, August 16, 2018


Media response to our paper Low-loss plasmon-assisted electro-optic modulator:

Switch controls light on a nanoscale for faster information processing -

Breaking bottlenecks to the electronic-photonic information technology revolution -


Metamaterials, quantum computers, and ultrathin lenses: what nanophotonics is doing - an interview on the fringes of IV International Conference on Quantum Technologies,, September 26, 2017 (in Russian).


To render invisible visible, TASS, July 24, 2017


Media response to our paper Applying plasmonics to a sustainable future:

Plasmonics could bring sustainable society, desalination tech


Fractals Help Graphene Detect Photons, APS News, February 2017


Fractal design of graphene photodetector holds promise for photoharvesting, Smart 2.0, January 20, 2017


Snowflake-shaped electrodes boost graphene's photoabsorption, EETimes Europe, January 20, 2017


Graphene Photodetector Enhanced With Fractal Golden "Snowflake",, January 20, 2017


Graphene photodetector enhanced by fractal golden 'snowflake',, January 16, 2017


Media response to our paper Long-range and rapid transport of individual nano-objects by a hybrid electrothermoplasmonic nanotweezer:

Nanotweezer is new tool to create advanced plasmonic technologies


Those who left: 10 Scientists from Krasnoyarsk who became successful abroad (in Russian), October 30, 2015.


Purdue takes quantum leap with new center, Lafayette Lournal & Courier, October 15, 2015


Purdue Quantum Center on cutting edge of discovery,, October 14, 2015


A colourful future? Nature Photonics, News & Views, August 2015


Media response to our paper Epsilon-near-zero Al-doped ZnO for ultrafast switching at telecom wavelengths:


Media response to our paper All that glitters need not be gold:

Plasmonic ceramic materials key to advances in nanophotonics for extreme operational conditions:


Enabling Nanophotonics, Data Storage and Energy Conversion with New Plasmonic Materials,, February 4, 2015


Media response to our paper Enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al,Sc)N hyperbolic metamaterial:


Startup is using plasmonics to advance optical technologies, improve data-storage capabilities, solar thermophotovoltaic cell performance, Purdue Research Park News, October 2, 2014. The story was picked up by in an article Plasmonics Advances Optics, Improves Data-storage, Solar Cell Performance


Media response to our paper Epitaxial superlattices with titanium nitride as a plasmonic component for optical hyperbolic metamaterials:

Advance brings 'hyperbolic metamaterials' closer to reality:

New 'metamaterial' practical for optical advances, Science Daily, May 12, 2014
Hyperbolic Metamaterials Advance Practical Applications,, May 14, 2014


A platform for practical plasmonics, SPIE Newsroom, May 6, 2014.


Media response to our paper "Refractory Plasmonics" (Science, 344, 263-4 (2014)):

High-temperature plasmonics eyed for solar, computer innovation.


Media response to our paper Metasurface holograms for visible light:

New hologram technology created with tiny nanoantennas

Nanoantennas increase integration in computer chips,, November 17, 2013


Press Archive

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