April 2018: "Researchers at Purdue, Stanford devise novel ultrafast laser beam steering for autonomous cars that is less complex, uses less power", Purdue University, Research Foundation News.
January 2018: Our paper Optical Time Reversal from Time-Dependent Epsilon-Near-Zero Media came out in Phys. Rev. Letters.
January 2018: Our paper Hybrid Plasmonic Bullseye Antennas for Efficient Photon Collection came out in ACS Photonics.
January 2018: A paper to which we contributed, Engineered nonlinear materials using gold nanoantenna array, came out in Scientific Reports.
December 2017: Our paper Dynamic Control of Nanocavities with Tunable Metal Oxides came out in Nano Letters.
November 2017: Check out our newly granted US patent System and method for manipulation of particles (US 9778400 B2)
November 2017: Our paper Nanolasers Enabled by Metallic Nanoparticles: From Spasers to Random Lasers came out in Laser & Photonics Reviews.
November 2017: Our paper Surface-plasmon opto-magnetic field enhancement for all-optical magnetization switching came out in Optical Materials Express.
September 2017: Our paper Patterned multilayer metamaterial for fast and efficient photon collection from dipolar emitters came out in Optics Letters.
September 26, 2017: Metamaterials, quantum computers, and ultrathin lenses: what nanophotonics is doing - an interview on the fringes of IV International Conference on Quantum Technologies (in Russian).
September 2017: Our paper Universal features of the optical properties of ultrathin plasmonic films came out in Optical Materials Express.
August 2017: World's Leading Physicist Says Quantum Computers Are "Tools of Destruction, Not Creation". I don't quite agree: see a thought provoking discussion touching upon the topic of the eternal struggle of good and evil on the emerging stage of quantum computing.
August 2017: Our paper Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics is among most downloaded articles from Optical Material Express in July 2017.
July 2017: Our paper Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics is among most downloaded articles from Optical Material Express in June 2017.
June 2017: Our paper Controlling hybrid nonlinearities in transparent conducting oxides via two-colour excitation came out in Nature Communications.
June 2017: Check out our newly published Science Prospective article Applying plasmonics to a sustainable future.
The article was highlighted in a Purdue press release Plasmonics could bring sustainable society, desalination tech, which was picked up by various science/tech news outlets.
May 2017: Our paper Optical Properties of Plasmonic Ultrathin TiN Films came out in Advanced Optical Materials.
May 2017: Check out our newly published CLEO 2017 papers
May 2017: Our paper Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics is among most downloaded articles from Optical Material Express in April 2017.
May 2017: Our paper Hybrid plasmonic waveguides formed by metal coating of dielectric ridges came out in Optics Express.
May 2017: Former and current group members gathered on the occasion of the Commencement Ceremony for some of the group alumni.
In front of Purdue's Birck Nanotechnology Center (BNC)
May 2017: Our paper Plasmonics on the slope of enlightenment: the role of transition metal nitrides is among 25 most-read Faraday Discussions articles in 2016.
May 2017: Our paper Broadband Hot Electron Collection for Solar Water Splitting with Plasmonic Titanium Nitride was among 5 most downloaded articles from Advanced Optical Materials journal in April 2017.
April 2017: Our paper Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Nanostructures via Nitridation of Nanopatterned Titanium Dioxide is among Top 5 downloads from Advanced Optical Materials in March 2017. It was also featured on the back cover of issue 7 (v.5) of the journal and in an article in Advanced Science News.
April 2017: Our paper Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Plasmonic Titanium Nitride Thin Films came out in ACS Photonics.
April 2017: Our paper Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Single Crystalline and Polycrystalline Silver Thin Films came out in ACS Photonics.
April 2017: Our group member Mikhail Shalaginov has received the 2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award. This prestigious award goes to students who demonstrated excellence and leadership in research through publications, participation in professional organizations, and willingness to mentor others. This year 2 graduate students (out of 700+) from the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering were chosen for this award.
April 25, 2017: Our paper Pancharatnam-Berry Phase Manipulating Metasurface for Visible Color Hologram Based on Low Loss Silver Thin Film came out in Advanced Optical Materials
April 2017: Our paper High temperature efficient, stable Si wafer-based selective solar absorbers came out in Appl. Phys. Letters.
March 2017: Our paper High-Performance Doped Silver Films: Overcoming Fundamental Material Limits for Nanophotonic Applications came out in Advanced Materials.
March 2017: Check out our newly published conference papers
March 2017: Our paper Evolution of Metallicity in Vanadium Dioxide by Creation of Oxygen Vacancies came out in Phys. Rev. Appl.
January 2017: Check out our recent work on Graphene photodetector enhanced by fractal golden 'snowflake' highlighted on Phys.org.
November 2016: Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva with Prof. A. Bement (in the middle) at Purdue Excellence in Research Banquet (click on the picture to see its larger version):
September 2016: Our paper Temperature-dependent optical properties of gold thin films is among Optical Materials Express Top Downloads.
July 2016: Check out the video from Frontiers in Nonlinear Physics Conference, July 17-25, 2016.
May 2016: Catching up over ice cream with Dr. Gururaj Naik - a former member of Prof. A. Boltasseva's research group - at CLEO 2016 in San Jose, CA.
March 2016: While on sabbatical, visiting colleagues that became friends, and breathing in the air of the place where the quantum began (click on a button below to see the corresponding image; click on an image to see its larger version).
January 2016: Our paper Plasmonics on the slope of enlightenment: the role of transition metal nitrides was highlighted in Nature Nanotechnology editorial.
January 2016: Our recent Science perspective, Plasmonics - turning loss into gain, highlights applications where plasmon-enhanced loss of light energy, accompanied by local heating of the medium, is used to technological advantage.
November 2015: Congratulations to our group member Amr Shaltout who successfully passed his final PhD examination. Amrs's PhD work, entitled "Photonic Metasurfaces for Spatiotemporal and Ultrafast Light Control," deals with manipulation of light by means of spatially and temporally engineered metasurfaces with a goal of observing new physical effects and developing ultra-compact optical devices. In the picture below: A. Shaltout (in the middle) with Profs. E. Narimanov, A. Boltasseva, A. Kildishev and V. Shalaev.
October 30, 2015: Prof. V. Shalaev received Honorary Doctorate from University of Southern Denmark. The picture below shows a snapshot of the award ceremony.
October 2015: A workshop Quantum control of light and matter has taken place October 14-15, 2015, at Purdue Discovery Park. It marked coming into existence of Purdue Quantum Center and featured world-class experts in the fields of quantum physics and photonics.
The pictures below show: I) invited speakers of the Workshop joined by Purdue Faculty members, ii) younger participants of the Workshop, including members of Prof. V. Shalaev's research group, whose enthusiasm and hard work were integral ingredients of the Workshop's success (click on a pic to view its larger version).
October 2015: My plenary talk at META'15 conference (New York, August 7-10, 2015):
August 2015: Prof. V. Shalaev, Prof. A. Boltasseva and Dr. U. Guler (picture below) are in Purdue Research Foundation Spotlight for their NMTI start-up related activities.
July 2015: META conference is now on Facebook. Browse and enjoy!
June 15, 2015: Prof. V. Shalaev has been selected as the recipient of the IEEE Photonics Society 2015 William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award, "For seminal contributions both to the theoretical framework and to the groundbreaking experimental realization of optical metamaterials." The presentation of the Award will be made during the Awards Ceremony of the 2015 IEEE Photonics Conference in Reston (Virginia, USA) on 5th October, 2015.
March 19, 2015: Purdue University News: Plasmonic ceramic materials key to advances in nanophotonics for extreme operational conditions - "Progress in developing nanophotonic devices capable of withstanding high temperatures and harsh conditions for applications including data storage, sensing, health care and energy will depend on the research community and industry adopting new plasmonic ceramic materials, according to a commentary this week in the journal Science".
February 2015: Our graduate student - Mikhail Shalaginov - has been featured on the Graduate School's Facebook and Google+ pages. Congratulations, Mikhail!
January 2015: Conference photos of the META series conferences (from 2008 to 2014) are being added to META Facebook page. Check them out and don't forget to "Like" them!
January 13, 2015: 'Single-photon emission enhancement' seen as step toward quantum technologies (Purdue News) A hyperbolic metamaterial comprised of alternating layers of titanium nitride and aluminum scandium nitride has been used by the research groups of Purdue Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva to enhance the rate of single-photon emission by nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond. The application areas of single-photon sources include quantum communication and quantum computing.
November 2014: Prof. A. Boltasseva and Prof. V. Shalaev elected to Purdue Innovator Hall of Fame for developing plasmonics to advance optical technologies, improve data-storage capabilities and solar thermophotovoltaic cell performance.
November 21, 2014: NMTI announces breakthrough solutions for HAMR nanoantenna for next-generation ultra-high density magnetic data storage. "Researchers at Nano-Meta Technologies Inc. (NMTI) in the Purdue Research Park have shown how to overcome key limitations of a material that could enable the magnetic storage industry to achieve data-recording densities far beyond today's computers. (Purdue News)." This is the promise of HAMR (Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording) technology.
The source of heat in HAMR is laser light focused by a plasmonic nano-antenna. First, we replaced "soft" noble metals as construction materials for the nano-antenna with titanium nitride (TiN) - a thermally and mechanically durable ceramic. Further, we modified optical properties of TiN, making it intrinsically less light-absorbing, and covered the TiN nano-antenna with an ultra-thin protective layer, preventing surface oxidation. HAMR is expected to enable data storage densities 10-100 times greater than those of the current magnetic storage devices.
November 19, 2014: Purdue team - Alexandra Boltasseva, Vlad Shalaev and Alex Kildishev (see first photo below) - >was recognized at the Purdue "Excellence in Research Awards Dinner" by the Seed for Success award for their grants from the U.S. Army Research Office and MURI program from the Office of Naval Research (led by Professor Mark Stockman, GSU: on the photo in the middle).
Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva with Prof. Arden Bement at Purdue Excellence in Research Banquet.
October 2, 2014: A Purdue press release is featuring the main R&D areas of Nano-Meta Technologies, Inc. - a Purdue-based start-up led by Profs. V. Shalaev and A. Boltasseva. Those R&D areas include the use of novel refractory plasmonic materials for i) ultra-high-density heat-assisted magnetic data recording, ii) highly efficient solar- and waste-heat/combustion energy harvesting/conversion, and iii) photothermal cancer therapies. The press release links to a video clip on the subject, produced by the Purdue Office of Technology Commercialization.
May 20, 2014: The authors of book Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications - W. Cai and V. Shalaev - will accept 2014 Goodman Book Award from SPIE and OSA in August.
May 12, 2014 - Purdue News: Advance brings 'hyperbolic metamaterials' closer to reality.
May 6, 2014 - SPIE Newsroom: Plasmonic materials that are compatible with standard semiconductor technologies can be used for optical waveguides and modulators without sacrificing performance and functionality.
April 18, 2014 - A Purdue press release and a paper "Refractory Plasmonics" (Science, 344, 263-4 (2014)) highlight our work on refractory plasmonic materials/thermo-plasmonics with potential applications in thermal photovoltaics, heat assisted magnetic recording of data on computer hard drives and photo-thermal cancer therapy.
March 2014 - The book Optical Metamaterials: Fundamentals and Applications by W. Cai and V. Shalaev receives 2014 Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award recognizing "a recent and outstanding book in the field of optics and photonics that has contributed significantly to research, teaching, or the optics and photonics industry". This biennial award is co-sponsored by SPIE (see pages: #1, #2) and OSA.
February 2014 - The OPTICS category in the ISI Web of Science contains over 80 journals, which in total publish between 20,000 and 30,000 papers each year. Out of about 250,000 papers published in these journals from January 2005 to January 2014, three papers from the Shalaev group are among the top 10 most cited publications and they are ranked, in terms of the number of citations, as #5 (Ref. 145 in the List of Publications; 1,025 citations), #7 (Ref. 125; 891 citations), and #8 (Ref. 153; 711 citations).
July 23, 2013 - A former PhD student in Prof. Shalaev's research group Satoshi Ishii receives 27th High Technology Award for Originality (the second place in the competition) for his work "Metallic Lenses for Diffraction Optics and Sub-Diffraction Optics". In his work at Purdue University, S. Ishii experimentally demonstrated that plasmonics and optical metamaterials can offer unique enhancements to the diffraction properties of metallic nanoslit lenses.
The developed metallic lenses included polarization-selective nanoslit lenses which work similarly to conventional convex or concave lenses, depending on (linear) polarization of the incident light; intensity-tunable nanoslit lenses with liquid crystals; and sub-wavelength focusing lenses with hyperbolic metamaterials. All these lenses are thin and planar and, thus, are suitable for the conventional planar fabrication and integration technologies. Learn more ...
UNESCO Medals 'For the Development of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies' have been awarded to a small group of experts, including Vladimir Shalaev (learn more: #1, #2).
With UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova (Bulgaria) and David T. Killion, U.S. Ambassador to UNESCO, at the Award Ceremony at UNESCO Headquarters (October 11, 2012).
"Professor Vladimir Shalaev has won the 2010 Max Born Award of the Optical Society of America, in recognition of his seminal contributions to both the theoretical framework and the optical realization of optical metamaterials. ..." read more .... Here are pics - #1, #2, #3 - from the CLEO/QELS Conf. Award Session (19.05.10, San Jose, CA) where the 2010 Max Born Award was presented.
"The Willis E. Lamb Award for Laser Science and Quantum Optics is presented annually for outstanding contributions to the field. ... The 2010 winners are: John B. Pendry, Vladimir M. Shalaev, and Aleksei M. Zheltikov ..." read more ...
Our new book is out: see the table of content here or visit the book's Website
It appears the book was received well by the readers: just after it's release it was briefly ranked Amazon's #1 bestseller among all books in Optics.
"Professor Vladimir Shalaev wins 2009 Herbert Newby McCoy Award" read more ...
"2009 IQEC Program Co-Chair Vladimir Shalaev discusses metamaterials, quantum optics, and the joint CLEO/IQEC symposium on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials ..." view videoclip (in new window). You may need username/password to view this clip. Please use these: OSAvideos/cleovideos.
The NanoRod Material developed in our Lab has been named a winner in the second annual Nanotech Briefs Nano 50(TM) Awards in the Technology category. Presented by the Nanotech Briefs magazine - the monthly digital publication from the publishers of NASA Tech Briefs - the Nano 50 recognizes the top 50 technologies, products, and innovators that have significantly impacted, or are expected to impact, the state of the art in nanotechnology.
RTVi and Channel 1 broadcasts on optical cloaking work in our Lab (audio in Russian)
Follow this link to view WFYI channel 20 broadcast (part of) which "sheds light" on our work on optical cloaking