learn over lunchIndiana Watersheds Webinar Series Webinars to Strengthen Watershed Management in Indiana

Learning online allows you to hear the latest information without leaving your office. You save money, time and resources compared to conventional on-site training. All you need is a good internet connection, and computer speakers or headphones to listen.



Free monthly webinar series

2011 archives provided below (2012 archives) (2013 archives) (2014 schedule)

No special software needed. All you need is a computer with speakers or headphones. Recordings are available for each webinar (see individual links below).

Webinar Schedule

March 16, 2011

Identifying Critical Areas in Your Watershed
Presenters: Jane Frankenberger, Purdue University; Kris Vance, White River and Lincoln Hills RC&D; Robert Miller, NRCS (formerly of the Central Muscatatuck Watershed)

May 11, 2011

Clean Water Act 101
Presenter: Merritt Frey, River Habitat Program Director, River Network

June 8, 2011

Wellhead/Source Water Protection and How It Interfaces with Watershed/Non Point Source Management Plans
Presenters: Angie Brown and Connie Cousins-Leatherman, Office of Water Quality, IDEM

July 13, 2011

How to Talk to Strangers: Telling Your Story
Presenter: Cris Goode, Cris Goode Solutions & Designs

August 10, 2011

To Go With The Flow: The Importance of Streamflow Data for Watershed Management
Presenter: Scott Morlock, USGS Indiana Water Science Center

September 14, 2011

8 Top Web Tools for Watersheds
Presenter: Jane Frankenberger, Purdue University

September 22, 2011

2011 IWLA Group Projects: Ideas You Can Incorporate into Your Watershed Program
Presenters: Caitlin Grady, Purdue University; Ginger Korinek, Lost River Watershed Coordinator; Laura Fribley, ISDA; Alicia Douglass, Davey Resource Group

October 12, 2011

Reducing Fluvial (Stream) Erosion Hazards: What Can Watershed Managers Do?
Presenter: Robert Barr, Center of Earth and Environmental Science, Department of Earth Sciences, IUPUI

December 14, 2011

Strategies for Watershed Meetings That Lead to Results
Presenter: Janet Ayres, Purdue University