Reducing Fluvial (Stream) Erosion Hazards: What Can Watershed Managers Do?
Aired: October 12, 2011 from noon to 1:00pm EST Little has been done to help communities plan to lessen the kind of flood damage - erosion from flowing water - that actually costs the most and affects the most people. Please join this webinar to learn about a new flood erosion program in Indiana. See complete announcement.
Meet the Presenter: Robert Barr, Center of Earth and Environmental Science, Department of Earth Sciences, IUPUI
Robert Barr is a hydrologist and fluvial geomorphologist at the Center for Earth and Environmental Science (CEES), Department of Earth Sciences, IUPUI. Bob has been a research scientist at CEES since 1997. His research and teaching focuses broadly on understanding and mitigating the impact of hydrologic modification with an emphasis on stream and wetland restoration. A developing research area focuses on the impact that climate change will have on an already highly modified hydrologic system. Bob has been involved with interdisciplinary ecological restoration in urban and agricultural settings in both the glaciated Midwest and the Great Basin. |
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