Tools for Indiana Watersheds

Web-based tools can guide you to existing data, help you analyze your measurements, map your watershed and its resources, and provide critical watershed information. These are some we recommend.


Tools Developed by the Indiana Watershed Leadership Program

Indiana Finder Tools

Note: Originally developed at Purdue University, the "Finder" tools are now managed by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Indiana HUC Finder - Find the 8, 10, and 12-digit hydrologic unit code (HUC) for any location. Also shows the older 11 and 14-digit HUCs on the same map.

Indiana Watershed Group Finder - helps you find active watershed groups anywhere in Indiana.


Indiana Finder Tools

Indiana Water Monitoring Inventory

Discover who is monitoring what parameters in Indiana. This metadata tool does not contain actual data but points you to data holders. Developed in collaboration with the Indiana Monitoring Council. Read the Fact Sheet.

Indiana Water Monitoring Inventory

Catalog of Monitoring Protocols Used By Indiana Agencies

Find out how Indiana agencies are monitoring water. This wiki-based tool provides links to many protocols not previously online.


Catalog of Monitoring Protocols

Web-based Load Calculation using LOADEST

Use your own concentration data to estimate annual load in your watershed. Developed by Purdue University.






Other Useful Tools for Watershed Leaders

Indiana Map

Provides more than 200 spatial data layers through a simple web-based interface. Developed at Indiana Geological Survey, in collaboration with the Indiana Geographic Information Council.



Indiana Map

Web Soil Survey

Tool for determining detailed soil properties for areas less than 10,000 acres. Developed by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service


Web Soil Survey

Online Watershed Delineation and Long-term Hydrologic Impact Assessment

Delineates the area that flows to a watershed outlet, and allow you to send that outline and the soil and landuse data to the online L-THIA model.  Developed by Purdue University.



Indiana Water Quality Atlas

Works within ArcGIS Explorer (free software from ESRI) to provide water quality data from IDEM’s AIMS database.  Developed by ESRI through a contract with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management.

Indiana Water Quality Atlas

STEPL and EPA Region 5 Model

Uses your data to calculate estimates of nutrient and sediment loads and load reductions that result from implementation of various conservation practices.


STEPL and Region 5 Estimation Tools

Richards-Baker Flashiness Index

This spreadsheet tool uses daily stream flow to quantify the frequency and rapidity of short-term changes in stream flow. Developed by Peter Richards and David Baker, Heidelberg College.

R-B Flashiness Index


Visualize and understand water flow across America. Streamer allows you to trace America's larger streams upstream to their source or downstream to where they empty. Streamer is fueled by fundamental map data for the US at one million-scale from the National Atlas.



If you have corrections or other suggestions, please contact Jane Frankenberger, Purdue University.