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The workshop has three broad aims. The workshop will be structured around three themes: resilience of cyber, cyber-physical, and socio-technical systems.

  1. To capture in one accessible forum best practices in research on resilience across CISE and CMMI communities.
  2. To disseminate to the community what are the broad open research challenges, along with prior and ongoing work that can be leveraged to attack these challenges.
  3. To provide artifacts (video lectures, design documents, software releases) documenting the progress the community has made in resilient system design and implementation.

The workshop, to be held at Purdue University, will reflect on the current state-of-art and state-of-practice of resilient system design and will lay out the broad research and translation challenges that we will need to address to make our infrastructures truly resilient to natural failures. The workshop will be broad-based in the topical areas of cyber, cyber-physical, and socio-technical systems. It will draw from the technical contributions made by the communities, put them in the context of evolving technological changes, and identify broad-based topic areas where resilience work is both needed and likely to have high impact.

The NSF communities that are natural fits within this workshop are: Computer Systems Research (CSR), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), Software and Hardware Foundations (SHF), Smart and Connected Communities  (S&CC), and Engineering Design and System Engineering (EDSE).

Three specific deliverables will come out of the workshop: reports (one for each topical area) documenting the current state-of-art, state-of-practice, and open research challenges in designing, developing, and maintaining resilient infrastructures; organized and curated material (slides, audio, video) of talks and panels; archive of posters presented by upcoming researchers on current research directions.