- Opening: Saurabh Bagchi [ Powerpoint ]
- Cyber resilience keynote: Jiawei Han [ Powerpoint ]
Vision talks: Set 1
Cyber systems: Prateek Mittal [ Powerpoint ]
Cyber-physical systems: Meeko Oishi [ PDF ]
- Cyber-physical resilience keynote: Ashu Sabharwal [ Powerpoint ]
Cyber-physical resilience panel: Moderator - Shreyas Sundaram
Na Li, Harvard University [ PDF ]
James Weimer, University of Pennsylvania [ Powerpoint ]
- Socio-technical resilience keynote: Adam Rose [ Powerpoint ]
Cyber resilience panel: Moderator - Saurabh Bagchi
Fred Douglis, Perspecta Labs [ PDF ]
Elsa Gonsiorowski, LLNL/DOE [ PDF ]
Suman Jana, Columbia University [ Powerpoint ]
Brian Henz, Army Research Lab [ Powerpoint ]
Vision talks: Set 2
Cyber systems: Shaoshuai Mou [ Powerpoint ]
Cyber-physical systems: Shirley Dyke [ Powerpoint ]
Socio-technical systems: Chris Zobel [ Powerpoint ]
- Closing: Saurabh Bagchi [ Powerpoint ]
- Logistics document (traveling to Purdue, hotel, etc.) [ PDF ]
- CRISP and fit: Fitness classes at RSC for participants (Yoga, Mar 19, 9-9:50 pm; Cycling, Mar 20, 7:30-8:20 am; Body sculpt, Mar 20, 9-9:50 pm). [ Registration form ]
- Transport between hotel and workshop venue: Two Purdue vans, driven by two of our students, Hongyu Miao and Liwei Guo will be available for getting attendees between the Union Club hotel and the workshop venue. The vans will pick up on Wed and Thu at 7.45 am and 8.00 am from the hotel. Drop off is at the end of the technical sessions.