Labs and Facilities
Neil Armstrong Hall of Engineering
Thermal Gravimetric - Differential Thermal Analyzer
2017 Setaram Setsys Evolution 16/18
35g +/- 200mg capacity, 0.02 μg resolution
1600 ℃ (DSC) 1750 ℃ (DTA) max temperature
Laboratory for Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP)
Kepner Building, Lafayette, IN
Wire Electral Discharge Machine (EDM)
1999 Mitsubishi FX-20K
XYZ max travel: 19.68" x 13.77" x 11.81"
Max workpiece weight: 1700 lbs
High Temperature Vacuum Furnace
2018 T-M Vacuum VH-HV Flipper
maximum temperature: 1650 ℃
vertical work zone: 8" dia. x 12" deep
horizontal work zone: 6" x 6" x 12" deep
inert gas or vacuum (10-6 torr) operation
quick cool system
Rosen Center for Advanced Computing (RCAC)
Nodes on the Brown Cluster (Two 12-Core Intel Xeon Gold per node)