ASPIRE - Advancing Sustainability through Powered Infrastructure for Roadway Electrification
ASPIRE was created as an NSF Engineering Research Center at Utah State University along with several university partners, including Purdue University. The center's vision is widespread electrification of all vehicle classes, improve air quality, and public infrastructure that provides an inexpensive, seamless charging experience. It is the first engineering research center dedicated to transportation electrification in the United States.
In addition to Purdue, USU has partnered with the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Texas at El Paso, and the University of Auckland New Zealand. STSRG's principal faculty member Dr. Nadia Gkritza serves as the Purdue Campus Director for this endeavor. She is also the leader of the adoption research thrust, building on work conducted in the STSRG regarding adoption of transportation electrification and other emerging transportation technologies.
Purdue University's involvement with ASPIRE will extend beyond the work done by the Sustainable Transportation Systems Research Group. This page serves to highlight our contributions to the ASPIRE effort.
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Exciting Projects with ASPIRE Coming Soon! |