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What We Do

The Sustainable Transportation Systems Research (STSR) group aspires to achieve green, safe, efficient, and equitable transportation systems by studying and modeling transportation externalities (i.e., congestion, crashes, emissions, energy use), using state-of-the-art statistical, econometric, and economic analysis tools. The group's research thrust revolves around assessing the direct and indirect impacts of proposed transportation solution and emerging technologies, such as transportation electrification, transportation investments and policies, intelligent transportation systems, and connected and automated vehicles.

STSRG's current work is mainly focused on gaining a deeper understanding of the behavioral intention to use emerging energy and mobility choices (such as autonomous/shared autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, and electric roadways) and e-commerce. This understanding will enable a more accurate estimation of the anticipated impacts of such technologies. Of particular interest are the energy and environmental impacts of such technologies, which the research group is currently investigating.

For additional information about what we do, check the video below by Dr. Nadia Gkritza.


A video by Dr. Nadia Gkritza about STSRG


Members of the Sustainable Transportation Systems Research Group during the Spring 2025 Semester

From left; Kenny Wijaya, Rishika Tumula, Bruno Moras, Gaia Cervini, Ben O'Brien, Dr. Nadia Gkritza, David Mejia, Lyndsey Harris, Carmen Caserio, Jonhathan Novoa, Sarangi Jayaram, Tongfei Liu and  Lavan Burra


Members of the Sustainable Transportation Systems Research Group during the Summer 2024 Semester

From left; Kenny Wijaya, Rishika Tumula, David Mejia, Dr. Nadia Gkritza, Gaia Cervini, Bruno Moras and Ricardo Chahine


Members of the Sustainable Transportation Systems Research Group during the Spring 2024 Semester

From left; Ricardo Chahine, Rishika Tumula, Gaia Cervini, David Mejia, Dr. Nadia Gkritza, Yixiang Teng and Kenny Wijaya.