Ongoing Projects
SPR 4906: E-COMMERCE & TRIP GENERATION MODELS Sponsored by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). The first part of the project aims to refine the trip generation process by utilizing Indiana‐specific data for the most commonly utilized land uses. The second part of the project proposes to conduct a survey to update the e‐commerce data collected as part of SPR 4608 and update the agent‐based travel demand simulation model. This project will help INDOT i) more accurately predict expected development traffic and better align required improvements with generated traffic, and ii) incorporate potential travel demand changes related to e‐commerce in ISTDM and INDOT’s planning process. Start Date - 08/19/2024 |
INDIANA MD-HD ZEV INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING WITH FOCUS ON I-80 CORRIDOR IN IN-IL-OH Sponsored by the Department of Energy (DoE) and Cummins Inc. This project aims to develop an extensive MD-HD EV Charging and H2 Fueling Plan for Indiana which considers a plan for near-term (2025) deployment of MD-HD EV charging along with future evolution using several baseline vehicle and infrastructure technology scenarios, multiple market adoption assumptions, and wide range of MD-HD truck fleet duty cycles (classes 2b-8 with focus on regional and long-haul class 8). Three, evolved (future), infrastructure build-out scenarios will be considered in addition to the near-term MD-HD EV Charging Plan. The near-term EV Charging Plan, and evolution, will focus on the I-80 corridor in IN-IL-OH, however, top-level planning will be done for all major transportation corridors in the state. Start Date - 12/01/2023 |
RECEIVER, VEHICLE, AND ROADWAY SYSTEMS FOR A DYNAMIC WIRELESS POWER TRANSFER ROADWAY TESTBED Sponsored by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). PIs: John Haddock , Dionysios Aliprantis , Aaron Brovont , Nadia Gkritza , Steven Pekarek This project will support the installation of a one-quarter mile long dynamic wireless power transfer (DWPT) testbed on northbound US-231 in West Lafayette. At the end of this project, INDOT will have a fully functional pilot DWPT constructed and key testing of the performance of the system will be performed. Click here to access the INDOT Project webpage. Start Date - 09/01/2023 |
THE BUSINESS CASE FOR SUSTAINABLE ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Sponsored by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). PIs: Samuel Labi, Kumares Sinha, Nadia Gkritza This study will identify sustainable development (SD) opportunities at each phase of infrastructure development; identify/demonstrate exposure metrics for sustainability assessment; document/evaluate trends in SD metrics in Indiana’s transportation; identify carbon credit markets that Indiana could partake; develop SD business-case framework; assess SD impacts on other sectors; and identify ways to integrate SD into INDOT’s culture. Start Date - 09/01/2023 |
SIMULATING CURRENT AND FUTURE EV GROWTH SCENARIOS IN INDIANA Sponsored by the Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT). PI: Satish Ukkusuri The current project is a parallel expansion of SPR 4706 where the research team will use the demand data collected from the project to simulate the network-level impacts of the EV demand and quantify metrics of interest for EV planning and operations. Key activities and deliverables include (i) forecast of EV travel patterns, (ii) which corridors are likely to see significant EV usage, (iii) guidance on using the trip data to understand charging station locations based on current and future trips, (iv) potential demand at the charging stations, (v) return on investment (ROI) on charging stations based on visits, (vi) the vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by EVs on various roadways categorized by urban and rural trips for various future scenarios, (vii) the impacts of EV VMT on gas tax reduction. The research team will evaluate the impact of different adoption scenarios for the future years and will provide city and county level analysis and guidance for INDOT on their EV strategy. Project period: 10/16/2023 to 10/15/2025 |