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Postdoctoral researcher

Xiaodong Qian

Dr. Qian is currently a postdoc in the Lyles School of Civil Engineering at Purdue University. He received a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. His Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering is from UC Davis. He has strong theoretical foundations and practical experience in transportation engineering. His research interests are in the areas of transportation equity, emerging mobilities (e.g., shared micro-mobility and CAVs), transportation safety and health, and GIS in urban planning. He has scientific and technical publications in several journals, e.g., Journal of Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Transportation Research Part D, Journal of Transport Geography, and Journal of Transport and Health. Dr. Qian has also served the academic community by acting as a reviewer for top tier peer-reviewed journals, e.g., Journal of Transportation Research Part C & Part D, Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Transport and Health, and Journal of Transport Geography.
Research Interests:
  • Transportation equity
  • Emerging mobilities (e.g., shared micro-mobility and connected and autonomous vehicles)
  • Traffic associated safety and health
  • Traffic simulation
  • Urban planning

Photography, traveling, watching movie, basketball, ice hockey.