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Graduate Student

Jonathon Sinton
Graduate Research Assistant - CE

Jonathon is a first year master's student in the Burke Graduate Program.  Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, he earned his bachelor's degree in at Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.  As an undergrad, Jonathon studied both physics and business and worked as a physics tutor.  During his final two years of undergrad, he worked on a research project involving semiautonomous landmine-detection techniques.  His own work focused on the detection of tripwire-triggered mines using machine vision techniques, and he virtually presented this research at the 2020 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT.  Jonathon received the Purdue University Knox Fellowship and began work at the STSRG in Fall 2020 to explore his interests in transportation engineering.  As he is new to transportation engineering, his research interests remain relatively broad, though he is interested in modeling and data analytics.

In addition to his academic work, Jonathon is an avid athlete.  He spent all four years at Franklin & Marshall on the varsity swim team, and he loves running and cycling as well.

Current Projects:

  • Strategic Assessment of Needs and Opportunities for Wider Adoption of Renewable Energy and Electrification in Indiana
  • Feasibility Study and Design of On-Road Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies