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STSRG students present posters during ASCE's International Conference on Transportation & Development in Austin

Ricardo presenting his poster
Saloni presenting her posters
Dr. Humagain presenting his poster

STSRG students Ricardo Chahine and Saloni Deodhar, and Postdoc Prasanna Humagain presented posters at ASCE's International Conference on Transportation & Development which was held in Austin on June 16th, 2022.

Ricardo presented his research on "Are we ready to share again? Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on the intention of travelers to use shared mobility." Saloni presented two posters on "Exploring modal variations in accessibility" and "Accesibility as a measure of socioeconomic outcomes", respectively. Dr. Humagain presented a poster on "Effects of the pandemic-induced near-term effects on future vehicle transactions and residential relocation: early insights from a nationwide survey."