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  • Yih, Y. “Trace-driven knowledge acquisition (TDKA) for rule-based real-time scheduling systems,” Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 1(4), 1990, pp. 217-230.
  • Yih, Y. and Thesen, A. “Semi-Markov decision models for real-time scheduling,” International Journal of Production Research, 29(11), 1991, pp. 2331-2346.
  • Chiu, C., Yih, Y., and Chang, T. C. “A collision-free sequencing algorithm for PWB assembly,” Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, 1, 1991, pp. 1-12.
  • Yih, Y. and Nof, S. Y. “The impact of integrating knowledge-based technologies in manufacturing: an evaluation,” Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 4(4), 1991, pp. 254-263.
  • Chiu, C., Yih, Y. and Chang, T. C. “AGIPS: Automatic generator for insertion and placement sequences for PWB assembly,” Computers in Industry, 18, 1992, pp. 289-299.
  • Yih, Y. “Learning real-time scheduling rules from optimal policy of semi-Markov decision processes,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 5(3), 1992, pp. 171-181.
  • Yin, N.-C. and Yih, Y. “Crane scheduling in a flexible electroplating line: a tolerance-based approach,” Journal of Electronics Manufacturing, 2, 1992, pp. 137-144.
  • Liang, T. P., Moskowitz, H. and Yih, Y. “Integrating neural networks and semi-Markov processes for automated knowledge acquisition: an application to real-time scheduling,” Decision Science, 23(6), 1992, pp. 1297-1314.
  • Yih, Y., Liang, T. P. and Moskowitz, H. “Robot scheduling in a circuit board production line- a hybrid OR/ANN approach,” IIE Transactions, 25(2), 1993, pp. 26-33.
  • Tang, L.-L., Yih, Y. and Liu, C-Y. “A study on decision rules of a scheduling model in an FMS,” Computers in Industry, 22, 1993, pp. 1-13.
  • Yih, Y. “An algorithm for hoist scheduling problems,” International Journal of Production Research, 32(3), 1994, pp. 501-516.
  • Chang, T-M. and Yih, Y. “Generic kanban systems for dynamic environments,” International Journal of Production Research, 32(4), 1994, pp. 889-902.
  • Chang, T-M. and Yih, Y. “Determining the number of kanbans and lotsizes in a generic kanban system: a simulated annealing approach,” International Journal of Production Research, 32(8), 1994, pp. 1991-2004.
  • Tang, L.-L., Yih, Y. and Liu, C-Y. “A framework for part type selection and scheduling model in FMS environments,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 8(2), 1995, pp. 102-115.
  • Jones, A., Rabelo, L. and Yih, Y. “A hybrid approach for real-time sequencing and scheduling,” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 8(2), 1995, pp. 145-154.
  • Ge, Y. and Yih, Y. “Crane scheduling with time windows in circuit board production lines,” International Journal of Production Research, 33(5), 1995, pp. 1187-1199.
  • Lin, H., Yih, Y. and Salvendy, G. “Neural-network based fault diagnosis of hydraulic forging presses in China,” International Journal of Production Research, 33(7), 1995, pp. 1939-1951.
  • Chiu, C. and Yih, Y. “A learning-based methodology for dynamic scheduling in distributed manufacturing systems,” International Journal of Production Research, 33(11), 1995, pp. 3217-3232.
  • Chen, C.-C. and Yih, Y. “Identifying attributes for knowledge base development in dynamic scheduling environments,” International Journal of Production Research, 34(6), 1996, pp. 1739-1755.
  • Sun, Y.-L. and Yih, Y. “An intelligent controller for manufacturing cells,” International Journal of Production Research, 34(8), 1996, pp. 2353-2373.
  • Wang, J.-Y. and Yih, Y. “Using neural networks to select control strategy for automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS),” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 10(6), 1997, pp. 487-495.
  • Min, H.-S., Yih, Y. and Kim, C. “A competitive neural network approach to multi-objective FMS scheduling,” International Journal of Production Research, 36(7), 1998, pp. 1749-1765.
  • Martin, A. D., Chang, T-M., Yih, Y. and Kincaid, R., “Using tabu search to determine the number of kanbans and lotsizes in a generic kanban system,” Annals of Operations Research, 78, 1998, pp. 201-218.
  • Chang, T.-M. and Yih, Y. “A fuzzy rule-based approach for dynamic control of kanbans in a generic kanban system,” International Journal of Production Research, 36(8), 1998, pp. 2247-2257.
  • Kim, C., Min, H-S. and Yih, Y. “Integration of inductive learning and neural network for multi-objective FMS scheduling, International Journal of Production Research, 36(9), 1998, pp. 2497-2509.
  • Hamamoto, S., Yih, Y. and Salvendy, G. “Development and validation of genetic algorithm-based facility layout - a case study in the pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Production Research, 37(4), 1999, pp. 749-768.
  • Chang, T.-M. and Yih, Y.  “Constructing a fuzzy rule system from examples, Journal of Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 6(3), 1999, pp. 213-221.
  • Chen, C.-C., Yih, Y. and Wu, Y. “Auto-bias selection for developing learning-based scheduling systems,” International Journal of Production Research, 37(9), 1999, pp. 1987-2002.
  • Lu, T.-P. and Yih, Y. “An agent-based production control framework for multiple-line collaborative manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Research, 39(10), 2001, pp. 2155-2176.
  • Kwak, C. and Yih, Y. “Simulation comparison of collaboration protocol-based testing models,” International Journal of Production Research, 39(13), 2001, pp. 2947-2956.
  • Kwak, C. and Yih, Y. “Statistical analysis of factors influencing the performance of the protocol-based testing model,” International Journal of Production Research, 41(5), 2003, pp. 1033-1044.
  • Min, H.-S. and Yih, Y. “Development of a real time multi-objective scheduler for semiconductor fabrication system,” International Journal of Production Research, 41(10), 2003, pp. 2345-2364.
  • Min, H.-S. and Yih, Y. “Selection of dispatching rules on multiple dispatching decision points in real time schedule of semiconductor wafer fabrication systems,” International Journal of Production Research, 41(16), 2003, pp. 3921-3941.
  • Kwak, C. and Yih, Y. “Data mining approach to production control in the computer-integrated testing cell,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, 20 (1), 2004, pp. 107-116.
  • Sun, Y.-L. and Yih, Y. “A learning-based real-time controller for dynamic manufacturing cells,” Journal the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 21(3), 2004, pp. 251-261.
  • Sun, Y.-L., Chang, T. M. and Yih, Y. “Learning-based adaptive controller for dynamic manufacturing cells,” International Journal of Production Research, 43(14), 2005, 3011-3025.
  • Lu, T. P., Chang, T. M. and Yih, Y. “Production control framework for supply chain management- an application in elevator manufacturing industry,” International Journal of Production Research, 43(20), 2005, 4219-4233.
  • Jeong, H. S., Qiao, J., Abraham, D. M., Lawley, M.A., Richard, J-P, and Yih, Y. “Minimizing the consequences of intentional attack on water infrastructure,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 21(2), 2005, 79-92.
  • Su, C.-T., Yih, Y. and Chen, L-S, “Knowledge acquisition through information granulation for imbalanced data,” Expert System with Applications, 31(4), 2006, 531–541.
  • Ow Yong, M.G. and Yih, Y. “Picklist generation algorithm with order consolidation consideration for split-case module based fulfillment centers,” International Journal of Production Research, 44(21), 2006, 4529-4550.
  • Wu, S.-J., Gebraeel, N., Lawley, M. and Yih, Y. “A Neural network integrated decision support system for condition-based optimal predictive maintenance policy,” IEEE Transactions on Man, Machines, and Cybernetics Part A- Systems and Humans, 37(2), 2007, 226-236.
  • Qiao, J., Jeong, D., Lawley, M., Richard, JP, Abraham, D. M., and Yih, Y.  “Allocating security resources to a water supply network,” IIE Transactions Special Issue on Homeland Security, 39, 2007, 95-109.
  • Chen, H.-Y., Lin, C.-W., and Yih, Y. “Production-distribution network design of a global supply chain alliance from the key player’s perspective,” International Journal of Production Research, 45(2), 2007, 245-265.
  • Ang, C.-H. and Yih, Y. "A simulation approach to minimize water supply, water storage capacity and water treatment capacity requirements in an advanced life support system for Mars missions," Habitation-An International Journal for Human Support Research, 11, 2008, 173-183.
  • Lin, F., Lawley, M., Spry, C., McCarthy, K., Coyle-Rogers, P. G. and Yih, Y., “Using simulation to design a central sterilization department,” AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) Journal, 88(4), 2008, 555-567.
  • Mamlin, J., Kimaiyo, S., Lewis, S., Tadayo, H., Jerop, F. K., Gichunge, C. Petersen, T., Yih, Y., Braitstein, P., and Einterz, R. “Integrating nutrition support for food-insecure patients and their dependents into an HIV care and treatment program in western Kenya,” AJPH (American Journal of Public Health), 99, Feb 2009, 215-221. 10.2105/AJPH.2008.137174
  • Min, D. and Yih, Y. “A simulation study of registration queue disciplines in an outpatient clinic: a two-stage patient flow model,” European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 3(2), 2009, 127-145.
  • Lim, J. L., Yih, Y., Gichunge, C., Tierney, W. M., Le, T.H., Zhang, J., Lawley, M. A., Petersen, T. J. and Mamlin, J. J. “The AMPATH nutritional information system: designing a food distribution electronic record system in rural Kenya,” Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), 16, 2009, 882-888. 10.1197/jamia.M3139
  • Chiam, T. C., Yih, Y., Mitchell, C. A. “Control policies for a water-treatment system using the Markov decision process. Part 1: Mathematical formulation,” Habitation-An International Journal for Human Support Research, 12(1), 2010, 21-26.
  • Chiam, T. C., Yih, Y., Mitchell, C. A. “Control policies for a water-treatment system using the Markov decision process. Part 2: Simulation and analysis,” Habitation-An International Journal for Human Support Research, 12(1), 2010, 27-32.
  • Min, D. and Yih, Y. “Scheduling elective surgery under uncertainty and downstream capacity constraints,” European Journal of Operational Research, 206(3), 2010, 642-652.
  • Lee, S. and Yih, Y. “Analysis of Open Access scheduling system in outpatient clinics – A simulation study,” Simulation: International Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, 86(8-9), August 2010, 503-518.
  • Yang, C.-L., Kuo, Y.-F., Yih, Y., Chiu, G. T.-C., Abramsohn, D. A., Ashton, G. R. and Allebach, J. P.,   “Improving tone prediction in calibration of electrophotographic printers by linear regression: environmental, consumables, and tone-level factors”, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 54(5): 050301-050301-11, 2010.
  • Kuo, Y.-F., Chiu, G. T.-C., Yang, C.-L., Yih, Y. and Allebach, J. P., “Improving tone prediction in calibration of electrophotographic printers by linear regression: using principal components to account for co-linearity of sensor measurements”, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 54(5): 050302-050302-9, 2010.
  • Min, D. and Yih, Y. “An elective surgery scheduling problem considering patient priority,” Computers and Operations Research, 37(6), 2010, 1091-1099.
  • Chiam, T. C., Yih, Y. and Mitchell, C., “Development of theoretical approaches to the control of a water-treatment system”, Advances in Space Research, 46, 2010, 1418-1426.
  • Wu, S.-J., Lehto, M. R., Yih, Y., Saleem, J. J. and Doebbeling, B. N. “Impact of clinical reminder redesign on physicians’ priority decisions,” Applied Clinical Informatics, 1(4), 2010, 466-485.
  • Min, D. and Yih, Y., “Fuzzy logic-based approach to detecting a passive RFID tag in an outpatient clinic,” Journal of Medical Systems, 35(3) 2011, 423-432, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-009-9377-3.
  • Kuo, Y-F, Yang, C-L, Chiu, G. T-C, Yih, Y., Allebach, J.P. and Abramsohn, D. A. “Model-based calibration approach to improve tone consistency for color electrophotography,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 55(6): 060505-1–060505-9, 2011.
  • Proctor, R. W., Nof. S. Y, Yih, Y., Balasubramanian, P., Busemeyer, J. R., Carayon, P., Chiu, C-Y, Farahmand, F., Gonzalez, C., Gore, J., Landry, S. J., Lehto, M., Rau, P-L, Rouse, W., Tay, L., Vu, K.-P. L., Woo, S. E., and Salvendy, G.,” Understanding and improving cross-cultural decision making in design and use of digital media: a research agenda,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 27(2), 2011, 151-190.
  • Kuo, Y.-F, Yang, C-L, Chiu, G. T-C, Yih, Y., Allebach, J.P. and Geleynse, C. D., “Experimental Characterization of transient tone deviation in print jobs for color electrophotography,” Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 56(2), 020502-1–020502-11, 2012.
  • Le, T., Diabat, A., Richard, J-P, and Yih, Y. “A column generation-based heuristic algorithm for an inventory routing problem with perishable goods,” Optimization Letters, DOI 10.1007/s11590-012-0540-2, 2012.
  • Ramamohan, V., Chandrasekar, V., Abbott, J., Klee, G., and Yih, Y.  “A Monte Carlo approach to the estimation and analysis of uncertainty in clinical laboratory measurement processes,” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2(1), 2012, 1-13.
  • Ho, Y.-C., Liu, H.-C., and Yih, Y., “A multiple-attribute method for concurrently solving the pickup-dispatching problem and the load-selection problem of multiple-load AGVs,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 31(3), 2012, 288-300.
  • Ramamohan, V., Abbott, J., Klee, G., and Yih, Y. “Application of mathematical models of system uncertainty to evaluate the utility of assay calibration protocols,” Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 50(11), DOI: 10.1515/cclm-2012-0265, 2012.
  • Niziolek, L., Chiam, T. C. and Yih, Y. “A simulation-based study of distribution strategies for pharmaceutical supply chains,” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 2(3), 2012, 181-189.
  • Upatising, B., Hanson, G. J., Kim, Y. L., Cha, S. S., Yih, Y., and Takahashi, P. Y. “Effects of home telemonitoring between frailty states and death for older adults: A randomized controlled trial,” International Journal of General Medicine, 6, 2013, 145-151.
  • Sherer, E. A., Ambedkar, S., Perng, S., Yih, Y., and Imperiale, T. F. “A predictive model of longitudinal, patient-specific colonoscopy results,” Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 112(3), 2013, 563-579.  
  • Lee, S., Min, D., Ryu, J. and Yih, Y. “A Simulation Study of Appointment Scheduling in Outpatient Clinics: Open Access and Overbooking,” Simulation: International Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, 89(12), 2013, 1459-1473.
  • Liu, H.-C. and Yih, Y., “A Fuzzy-based Approach to the Liquid Crystal Injection Scheduling Problem in a TFT-LCD Fab,” International Journal of Production Research, 51(20), 2013, 6163-6181.
  • Ramamohan, V., Yih, Y., Abbott, J. T., and Klee, G. “Category-specific uncertainty modeling in clinical laboratory measurement processes,” Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Dec:51(12), 2013, 2273-2280.
  • Ramamohan, V., Abbott, J. T. and Yih, Y. “Modeling, analysis and optimization of calibration uncertainty in clinical laboratories,” Measurement, 50, 2014, 175-185.
  • Min, D. and Yih, Y. “Managing a patient waiting list with time-dependent priority and adverse events,” RAIRO-Operations Research, 48(1), 2014, 53-74.
  • Lee, S. and Yih, Y. “Reducing patient-flow delays in surgical suites through determining start-times of surgical cases,” European Journal of Operational Research, 238(2), 2014, 620-629.  10.1016/j.ejor.2014.03.043
  • Ramamohan, V., Abbott, J. T. and Yih, Y. “A mathematical model of measurement uncertainty of single substrate enzyme assays,” Journal of Chemometrics, 29(1), 2015, 49-58. 10.1002/cem.2661
  • Upatising, B., Wood, D. L., Kremers, W. K., Christ, S. L., Yih, Y., Hanson, G. J., and Takahashi, P. Y. “Cost comparison between home telemonitoring and usual care of older adults: a randomized trial (Tele-ERA),” Telemedicine and e-Health, 21(1) 2015, 3-8. 10.1089/tmj.2014.0021
  • Ramamohan, V., Abbott, J. T., Klee, G. G. and Yih, Y. “Modeling the effect of instrument drift on measurement uncertainty: A serum bilirubin assay case study,” IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 5(3), 2015, 147-164. 10.1080/19488300.2015.1060551
  • Ho, Y-C, Lin, J-W, Liu, H-C, and Yih, Y. “A study on the lot production management in a thin-film-transistor liquid-crystal display fab,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 40(1), 2016, 9-25. 10.1016/j.jmsy.2016.03.002
  • Liu, S., Meyerson, B., King, J., Yih Y. and Ostovari, M. "Drivers and barriers for adopting accreditation at local health departments for their performance improvement effort", Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 23(6), 2017, 25-35, 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000567Kamyabniya, A., Lotfi, M. M.,
  • Naderpour, M. and Yih, Y. “Robust Platelet logistics planning in disaster relief operations under uncertainty: a coordinated approach,” Journal of Information Systems Frontiers: insights to emerging challenges, 20, 2018, 759-782. 10.1007/s10796-017-9788-5
  • Ostovari, M., Yu, D., Yih, Y., Steele-Morris, C.J. “Impact of an Onsite Clinic on Utilization of Preventive Services,” Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 59 (7), 2017, 615-623. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001034.
  • Vaziri, B., Dabadghao, S., Yih, Y. and Morin, T. L. “Properties of sports ranking methods," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2017, 1-12. 10.1057/s41274-017-0266-8
  • Vaziri, B., Yih, Y. and Morin, T.L. “A proposed voting scheme to reduce the sensitivity of the Markov method,” International Journal of Operational Research, 32 (1), 2018, 24-40. 10.1504/IJOR.2018.091200
  • Jin, H., Yih, Y.  and Sutherland, J.W. “Modeling operation and inventory for rare earth permanent magnet recovery under supply and demand uncertainties,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 46, 2017, 59-66. 10.1016/j.jmsy.2017.11.002
  • Kamyabniya, A., Lotfi, M. M., Cai, H., Hosseininasab, H., Yaghoubi, S. & Yih, Y. “A two-phase coordinated platelets logistics planning for humanitarian relief operations”, IISE Transactions, 2018, 10.1080/24725854.2018.1479901
  • Jin, H., Afiuny, P., Dove, S., Furlan, G., Zakotnik, M., Yih, Y. and Sutherland, J. W. "Life Cycle Assessment of Neodymium-Iron-Boron Magnet-to-Magnet Recycling for Electric Vehicle Motors," Environmental Science & Technology, 2018, 52, 3796-3802. 10.1021/acs.est.7b05442
  • Jin, H., Song, B. D., Yih, Y.  and Sutherland, J. W. “Sustainable Value Recovery of NdFeB Magnets: A Multi-Objective Network Design and Genetic Algorithm,” ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6(4), 4767−4775, 10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b03933
  • Jin, H., Song, B. D., Mendis, G., Yih, Y. and Sutherland, J. W. “A location-allocation model for sustainable NdFeB magnet recovery under uncertainties,” CIRP Annals – Manufacturing Technology, 2018, 67, 37-40.
  • Eun, J., Kim, S-P, Yih, Y. and Tiwari, V. “Scheduling elective surgery patients considering time-dependent health urgency: Modeling and solution approaches,” Omega, July 2019, 86, 137-153, 10.1016/
  • Jin, H., Song, B. D., Yih, Y. and Sutherland, J. W.”A bi-objective network design for value recovery of neodymium-iron-boron magnets: A case study of the United States,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 20 February 2019, 211, 257-269, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.101
  • Hsu, KY, DeLaurentis, P., Bitan, Y., Degnan, D. and Yih, Y. “Unintended Patient Safety Risks Due to Wireless Smart Infusion Pump Library Update Delays,” Journal of Patient Safety, March 2019, 15(1), e8-e14, 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000562
  • Hsu, KY, DeLaurentis, P., Yih, Y. and Bitan, Y. “Tracking the Progress of Infusion Pump Drug Library Updates— a data-driven analysis of pump update delays,” Journal of Medical Systems, Feb 2019, 43(3), 1-7, 10.1007/s10916-019-1189-5.
  • Xie, S., Ye, Q., Katare, B., Yu, D. and Yih. Y. “Longitudinal Patterns of Employee High-deductible Health Plan Choices,” IISE Transaction on Healthcare Systems Engineering, March 2019, 9(3), 282-298 DOI: 10.1080/24725579.2019.1584134.
  • DeLaurentis, P., Walroth, T. A., Fritschle, A. C., Yu, D., Hong, J. E., Yih, Y. Fuller, J. “Stakeholder Perceptions of Smart Infusion Pumps and Drug Library Updates: A Multi-Site, Interdisciplinary Study,” American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2019, Sep 1; 76(17), 1281-1287, 10.1093/ajhp/zxz135.
  • Hasan, I., Bahalkeh, E. and Yih, Y. “Evaluating intensive care unit admission and discharge policies using a discrete event simulation models”, Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International, 2020, 96(6), 501-518, 10.1177/0037549720914749.
  • Vaziri, B., Dabadghao, S., Yih, Y., Morin, T.L. and Lehto, M. “Crowd-Ranking: A Markov-based method for ranking alternatives,” International Journal of Operational Research, 20, 2020, 279-295, 10.1007/s12351-017-0324-7
  • Su, W-T, Lehto, M.R., Degnan, D. Yih, Y., Duffy, V. and DeLaurentis, P. “Healthcare Professionals Risk Assessments for Alert Overrides in High-Risk IV Infusions using Simulated Scenarios”, Risk Analysis, April 2020, 10.1111/risa.13489
  • Ostovari, M., Liu, S. S., Yih, Y. and Yu, D. “Understanding local health department decision to pursue/defer accreditation: A mixed-method systems thinking approach”, IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 11(1), December 2020, 1-9. 10.1080/24725579.2020.1854396
  • Lee, M.K, Yih, Y. and Griffin, P. M. “Quantifying the impact of acute stroke system of care transfer protocols on patient outcomes,” Medical Decision Making, 20(7), October 2020, 873-884.  10.1177/0272989X20946694
  • Wang, D, Yih, Y. and Ventresca, M. “ Improving Neighbor-Based Collaborative Filtering by Using a Hybrid Similarity Measurement”, Expert Systems with Applications, 160, December 2020, 113651. 10.1016/j.eswa.2020.113651
  • Jun, S., Lee, S. Yih, Y. “Pickup and delivery problem with recharging for material handling systems utilising autonomous mobile robots”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2021, 289(3), 1153-1168, 10.1016/j.ejor.2020.07.049
  • Deng, S., Zhou, X., Huang, A., Yih, Y. and Sutherland, J. W. “Evaluating economic opportunities for product recycling via the Sherwood principle and machine learning”, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 167, April 2021, 15232. 10.1016/j.resconrec.2020.105232
  • Joshi, S. S., Adams, N., Yih, Y. and Griffin, P. M. “Assessing the impact of Indiana legislation on opioid-based doctor shopping among Medicaid-enrolled pregnant women: A regression analysis”, Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 16(30), April 2021. 10.1186/s13011-021-00366-x
  • Deng, S. Prodius, D. Nlebedim, O. C., Huang, A. Yih, Y. and Sutherland, J.W. “A dynamic price model based on supply and demand with application to techno-economic assessments of rare earth element recovery technologies”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 27, July 2021, 1718-27. 10.1016/j.spc.2021.04.013
  • Malshe, A., Agonafer, D., Bapat, S. Cao, J., Connaughton, S. Graham, S., Jones, B., Melkote, S., Ramoni, M., Raman, A., Ranjan, D., Sinfield, J., Sutherland, J., and Yih, Y. “A Case for Frugal Engineering and Related Manufacturing for Social Equity”, The Bridge, 51 (1), March 2021, 54-62.
  • Patel, M., Kerh, R., Ma, S., Given, S, Yih, Y. and Willis, D. “Provider and Staff Perception of Late-Arriving Patients in a Family Residency Clinic”, International Journal of Community and Family Medicine, accepted.
  • Tung, T-H, DeLaurentis, P, Sinner, J. A., Scanlon, M. C., and Yih, Y. “Physical and information workflow mapping of vancomycin therapeutic drug management: A signle site case study revealing potential gaps in the process”, Journal of Medical Systems, October 2021, 45:104, 1-10.
  • Bahalkeh, E., Hasan, I. and Yih, Y. “The relationship between intensive care unit length of stay information and its operational performance, Healthcare Analytics, 2022, 2, 100036,
  • Deng, S. Kpodzro, E., Maani, T., Li, Z., Huang, A., Yih, Y., Zhao, F. and Sutherland, J.W., “Planning a Circular Economy System for Electric Vehicles Using Network Simulation", Journal of Manufacturing Systems, April 2022, 63, 95-106,
  • Wang, D., Willis, D. R., Yih, Y. “The pneumonia severity index: assessment and comparison to popular machine learning classifiers”, International Journal of Medical Informatics, July 2022, 163:104778. doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2022.104778 . Epub 2022 Apr 26.
  • Tung, T-H, DeLaurentis, P. and Yih, Y. “Uncovering discrepancies in IV vancomycin infusion records between pump logs and EHR documentation”, Applied Clinical Informatics, 2022, 13 (4), 891-900,
  • Wang, D., Kerh, R., Jun, S., Lee, S., Mayega, R.W., Ssentongo, J., Oumer, A. Haque, M. Brunese, P. and Yih, Y. “Demand sensing and digital tracking for maternal child health (MCH) in Uganda: a pilot study for ‘E+TRA Health”, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, September 2022, 22:239, 1-14, doi: 10.1186/s12911-022-01982-8.