LASER-PULSE R4D Conference in Kampala
LASER-PULSE R4D Conference in Kampala
The conference was hosted by Purdue University, a prime partner of the LASER PULSE consortium, in Kampala, Uganda, from May 6-8, 2019.
LASER PULSE seeks to increase the participation of universities in research that contribute to improving development outcomes. Its core partners are Purdue University, Catholic Relief Services, Indiana University, Makerere University, and the University of Notre Dame. LASER PULSE's mission is to "enhance discovery and application of evidence-based solutions to development challenges."
This conference included selected researchers, donors, NGO implementers, donors, and government and private sector representatives. It emphasized innovations resulting from translated research in those areas, and focused primarily on addressing development challenges in the sectors of basic education, food security, maternal/child healthcare, and water in Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania.
LASER PULSE is a five-year, $70 million USAID-funded global program for supporting the discovery and uptake of university-sourced, evidence-based solutions to development challenges.