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Spring 2024 Officers

President - Samuel Burow-Flak (

Samuel Burow-Flak is a senior mechanical engineering stuent from Valparasio, Indiana. His interests include manufacturing and thermodynamics, and he plans to work in industry after graduation. Outside of school, Sam enjoys hiking, baking bread, and working on his 1994 station wagon. 

VP Actives - Vishnu Srinivas (

Vishnu is a senior double majoring in Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Mathematics. This is his third semester as a Pi Tau Sigma active member, and he has previously help pledge chain and officer positions. Vishnu enjous teaching (he has run exam review sessions for different classes), music (he plays guitar in a band), and sports (Vishnu was in the top 30 Purdue students in 'total Intramural teams played on' last year).

VP Actives Chairs:

Internal Events: Lindsay Sutherland (, Drew Payne (, Nolan Gronowski (
Service: Kellan Moss (, Jith Samaraweera (, Sam Thengvall (
Tutoring: Rebecca Ang (, Clark Lay (, Keerthi Krishna Reddy Thummuru (
IM: Harrison Chapple (, Colin Hardesty (, Matt Grannan (

Treasurer - Andrew Morrissey (

Andrew Morrissey is a junior in Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Economics from Wildwood, Missouri. In addition to Pi Tau Sigma, he is the president for Fortnite at Purdue. Outside of class, he enjoys spending time with friends, reading, lifting, and playing soccer.

Treasurer Chairs:

Fundraising: Jack Ferlazzo (
Merchandise: Allie Ludovice (, Vincent Van Asdale (

Secretary - Charlie Sledz (

Charlie Sledz is a sophomore mechanical engineering student from Batavia, Illinois. He is on ASME's rover robotics team. After graduation, he plans to pursue a master's degree through Purdue's four plus one program. In his free time, he is either spending time with friends, playing softball, or watching football or basketball.

Secretary Chairs:

Composite: Connor Macomber (
Publicity: Marc Nikolov (
Website: James Talavage (

VP Sales - Peter Agostino (

Peter Agostino is a first year nonthesis graduate student in Mechanical Engineering after completing his undergraduate degree in Spring of 2023, and is from Indianapolis, Indiana. His interests include machine design and thermodynamics. Outside of Pi Tau Sigma, Peter is Vice President of Cary Racing, a Purdue Grand Prix team, and enjoys being a teaching assistant, working on personal projects, baking bread, and outdoor activities.

Officer of Sales Chairs:

Office: Davis Avera (
Lounge: Ryan Robinson (, Jennifer Flores (, Seth Honnigford (


VP Pledges - Lauren Sandys (

Lauren is a junior in Mechanical Engineering and a part of the Honors College from Noblesville, Indiana. In addition to Pi Tau Sigma, Lauren is a part of the Society of Women Engineers Grand Prix team. Outside of academics Lauren enjoys working out, or spending time with friends and family.

VP Pledges Chairs:

Pledge: Sam Doshna (

VP Industrial Relations - Grant Dierking (

Grant is a junior Mechanical Engineering student with a Management minor from New Albany, IN. His interests lie in thermodynamics, fluids, and heat and mass transfer, especially in energy efficiency and sustainability applications. Outside of class and clubs, he enjoys playing pick-up basketball, board games, and talking with friends around campfires. 

VP Industrial Relations Chairs:

Alumni: Nicholas Rowland (
Graduate: Andrew Bok (
Research: Matt Pflieger (

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions!