
Looking for a specific policy or guideline? You’ve come to the right place. Just click the links to the right to access any of the following documents.

  • AY Support for Faculty with Joint Appointments: This policy documents how the CoE manages AY support for faculty with joint appointments.
  • Changing Joint Appointments: This policy details the steps for changing joint appointments—which provide opportunities for interdisciplinary activities in discovery, learning and engagement—both within the College of Engineering and across Purdue.
  • Confidentiality: This policy helps ensure confidentiality in all aspects and stages of the promotion and tenure process.
  • Conflict of Interest: This policy identifies possible conflicts of interest and the process for addressing them in the promotion and tenure process.
  • Distinguished & Named Professors: This policy details discretionary allocations and salary supplements for distinguished professors, named university professors, named professors and university faculty scholars.
  • Emeritus Status (PDF): This policy describes the process for conferring emeritus status and the privileges afforded those retirees. The Emerita/Emeritus Nomination form can be found here.
  • Engineering Faculty Bylaws: This document identifies College of Engineering members, voting members, officers and representation on the University Senate and provides guidelines for faculty meetings and committees.
  • Faculty Grievance: This policy explains the informal and formal grievance resolution process, as well as membership on the grievance hearing committee.
  • Faculty Mentoring: This document provides an overview of the career guidance and mentoring program that’s been established to create a nurturing environment within the College of Engineering.
  • Faculty of Engineering Practice Document: This document defines implementation of non-tenure track faculty appointments in engineering modeled after clinical/professional faculty at Purdue and who are designated as Faculty of Engineering Practice.
  • Family Friendly Policies
  • Flexible Workload: This policy identifies the external circumstances or events that may warrant the redistribution of your workload.
  • Guidelines for Engineering Divisions: This document details practices and actions divisions can take to provide an excellent interdisciplinary engineering experience.
  • Mass Email Distribution: The purpose of this guideline is to instruct users on appropriate use of mass email lists. Examples of mass email distribution lists include ENGFACULTY, ENGAP, and ENGCS, ENGR-Ugrad, and ENGR-Grad.
  • Modified Duties for Childcare (MDC) Program
  • Named Professorship Processes: Resources for the nomination and review of named professorships and term named professorships.
  • Outside Activities
  • Promotion of Junior Faculty with Joint Appointments: This policy explains the process for annual feedback as well as promotion and tenure for junior faculty who hold joint appointments.
  • Promotion Policies: Link to resources for all promotion-related guidelines, policies and documents
  • Sabbatical and Leave Form (Request and Leave Action/RLA): For leave including sabbatical; research, instruction or engagement travel; outside activity leave; or change in duty station. Request in Success Factors.
  • Tenure Clock Extension (DOC): This policy documents the process for seeking an extension of your tenure clock when certain situations arise that may slow or hinder achieving tenure.
  • University Policies: The definitive source for the most current Purdue University system-wide policies.