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  • Department of Energy, Office of Electricity (DE-OE0000921), "Communication-Constrained Robust Control and Learning of Grid-Connected." Federal share: $1,850,000, Purdue team: A. L. Liu (PI), X. Lin (former PI), D. Aliprantis, G. Scutari. Oak Ridge team: Sonny Xue, Jin Dong, Siemens team: Pavan Athreya Narasimha Murthy, Ajay Chhokra. Project Period: 08/01/2020 -- 07/31/2023.
  • NSF (ECCS-2129631) "EAGER: Design of Distribution-Level Electricity Markets: Demarginalization and Decentralized Learning." Purdue team: A. L. Liu (PI), X. Lin (former PI). Budget: $219,993. Project Period: 07/01/2021 -- 06/30/2023.
  • NSF (CMMI-1832688) "CRISP 2.0 Type 1: Collaborative Research: Distributed Edge Computing to Improve Resilience of Interdependent Systems." Purdue team: A. L. Liu (PI), G. Scutari, R. Nateghi. USC team: A. Rose, D. Wei. UC-Santa Cruz: Y. Chen. Purdue Budget: $ $461,314. Project Period: 1/1/2019 -- 12/31/2020.
    • Supplement: Creating Simulated and Synthetic Data for Economic Resilience Modeling. Purdue budget: $111,097.51.
  • California Energy Commission. Investigating climate-change-induced vulnerability of the California northern natural gas energy system and identifying resilience options. (Subcontracted through University of California, Santa Cruz. PI: Yihsu Chen.) Purdue PI: A. L. Liu. Budget: $51,373. Project Period: 2017 - 2018.
  • NSF (CCF-1539462) "CyberSEES: Type 1: Collaborative Research: Sustainability-aware Management of Interdependent Power and Water Systems." A. L. Liu (PI). (Collaborators: Y. Chen and J. Medellin-Azuara ). Budget: $164,307. Project Period: 2016 - 2017.
  • NSF (ECCS-1509536) "Achieving Robust Power System Operations under Uncertainty and Price-Driven Active Demand-Side Participation." X. Lin (PI), A. L. Liu (Co-PI, 50%). Budget: $399,831. Project Period: 2015 - 2018.
  • NSF (CMMI-1234057) "Collaborative Research: The Next-Generation Electricity Capacity and Transmission Expansion Model with Large-Scale Energy Storage and Renewable Resources." A. L. Liu (PI). (Collaborator: Q. P. Zheng). Budget: $208,505. Project Period: 2012 - 2015.
  • Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) (FA9550-12-1-0275) "Decentralized Network Interdiction Games." A. L. Liu (PI), N. A. Uhan (Co-PI). Budget: $297,030. Project period: 2012 - 2015.
  • Department of Energy
    • "STUDY: Conduct Study on Long-term Electric and Natural Gas Infrastructure Requirements in the Eastern Interconnection." (Subcontracted through National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners and ICF International). Purdue PI: A. L. Liu . Purdue budget: $26,868. Project period: 06/2013 - 06/2014.
    • "Whitepaper: Co-Optimization of Transmission and other Supply Resources." (Subcontracted via National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners.) Budget: $150K. Project period: 2012 - 2013. Collaborators: B. F. Hobbs (JHU), J. McCalley (ISU), M. Shahidehpour (IIT), P. T. Sullivan (NREL) and Q. P. Zheng (WVU).
    • "Proposal to Assist the Eastern Interconnection States' Planning Council (EISPC) Members with Transmission Planning Services." Budget: $129,652. Project period: 2012 - 2013. D. J. Gotham (PI), A. L. Liu (Co-PI) and P. Preckel (Co-PI)"Crossroads Smart Grid Training Program." Purdue PI: E. J. Dietz. Duration: 2010 - 2012. Budget: $4,699,353. ($24K subcontracted to A. L. Liu)