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Contact the CONNplexity Lab

Asst. Prof. Goni with students at Hackathon 2015

We're looking for undergraduate and graduate students interested in advancing research in modeling and assessing the human brain as a complex network. We use a wide variety of techniques from Graph Theory, Network Science and Information theory to better understand the brain from a systemic point of view. With these techniques, my collaborators and I are identifying and assessing connectivity changes related to different conditions, such as levels of consciousness, cognitive decline, viral infections, traumatic brain injury and neurological disorders. I am also very interested in theoretical foundations of Complex Systems.

Interested in collaborating? Please email me or drop by my office.

Joaquín Goñi, PhD
315 N. Grant Street
Grissom Hall Room 368
West Lafayette, IN 47907
Tel.: 765-49-47198
Fax: 765-49-47704
