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February 23, 2023

Cultivating Letters of Recommendation Workshop

Event Date: 11-17-2020
This workshop will cover topics on how to build relationships and develop strong letters of recommendation for students interested in pursuing Graduate school or Medical school. This event specifically targets Juniors, but all biomedical engineering students are welcome to join. The workshop will be hosted by Corey Linkel, Associate Director of Undergraduate Programs for the Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, alongside BMES board members via Zoom conference call.

Click the title to access RSVP form.
February 23, 2023

BMES & CCO Workshop: Job Offers and Negotiation

Event Date: 11-19-2020
This workshop covers the topic of navigating through job offers and how to negotiate salary with employers. This event aims to equip biomedical engineering students with the necessary skills to advance in their career.

Click the title to access the RSVP form.
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