CE 603 Notes
E/O & SAR comparison
iris radiometry analysis
camera overview
radiometric units table from elachi
brief specs for kodak kli-5001
complete specs for kodak kli-5001
description of sodern star tracker
description of ball aerospace star tracker
eros orbit & constellation
eros orbit adjustment
eros scanning tutorial
IKONOS sensor description
more IKONOS description
some radiometry notes
strategies to relate object & image coords
notes for spot satellite and sensor
condition equations using kepler model
control points for hi-res commercial imagery
derivation of 2-body trajectory equations
richard low's concise derivation of orbit
astro almanac for april-04
derivation of axis-angle rotation matrix
subset of DG ephemeris support data
subset of DG attitude support data
motivation for image interpolation
tutorial on 1D & 2D interpolation
registration & rpc into
nitf rpc specifications
copy of specs for ce511 survey
ERS data
tony's insar slides